Debajyoti Pramanik
Assistant Professor

I hace specilisation in bio-mimetc chemistry, inorganic spectroscopy and organometallic synthesis. Recently, we are engaged in of small organometallic molecules for electrochemical catalysis.
Post-Doctoral research fellow, Commissariat for Atomic Energy (CEA) Grenoble, France under the supervision of Dr. Vincent Artero. 2018
Ph.D. in Chemistry, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata, India, under the supervision of Dr. Somdatta Ghosh Dey, 2014 ? Thesis Title: “Characterization and Reactivity of Heme bound Amyloid Beta Peptides Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease”
Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Chemistry: Rajabazar Science College, Kolkata, India, 2009 ? Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Chemistry Honours: Vidyasagar College, Kolkata, India, 2007
I have completed my doctoral training (2009-20014) from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science Kolkata, under the supervision of Dr. Somdatta Ghosh Dey. During my PhD I investigated the interactions of peptides with heme and Cu associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
I, did (2016-2018) 2 years of Post-doctoral research from CEA, Grenoble France, under the guidance of Dr. Vincent Artero. I was engaged in the synthesis of structural mimics of Fe-Fe and Ni-Fe hydrogenase enzymes. I have also investigated chemical and electrochemical behavior of these catalysts
Research / Administrative Experience+
My research work is primarily motivated by bio-mimitic chemistry.
Energy has shaped the modern human civilisation for the last few centuries and fossil fuels have been the continuous source of this energy. However, a major imbalance between supply and demand of fossil fuel has caused abnormal price hike of the same. Moreover, the Carbon footprints produced by the uncontrolled use of fossil fuels has already made a negative impact on global environment. Thus, a green, clean, cheap and sustainable alternate source of energy is the need of the hour.
My research target is to solve these challanges using bio-inspired catalysts.
Teaching / Other Experience+
UG courses
CHEM104MC01: Stereochemistry and Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
CHEM02C3: Basics of Organic Chemistry, Chemical bonding& Reaction Mechanism, Reaction thermodynamics, Aromatic Hydrocarbons.
CHEM02GE2: Alkyl and Aryl Halides.
CHEM03C6: Chemistry of Halogenated Hydrocarbons & Reaction Kinetics, Reaction Kinetics
CHEM03GE3.1: Amines and Diazonium Salts
CHEM04C9: Polynuclear Hydrocarbons, Synthetic strategy
CHEM05DSE: Research methodology in Chemistry.
CHEM06DSE, 7: . Seminar / Review / Grand Viva
CHEM06DSE, 9: Enzymes, Concept of Energy in Biosystems.
PG Courses
CHEM 0891: Separation of binary mixtures of solid-solid/liquid-solid/liquid-liquid organic compounds.
CHEM 0901: Spin Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
. CHEM 0991A: Organic Special Practical-I
CHEM 0992A: Organic Special Practical-II
CHEM 1001A: Organotransition Metal Chemistry: Applications to Organic Synthesis
CHEM 1002A: The molecules of life
CHEM 1003: Seminar/Review and Grand Viva
CHEM 1091 & CHEM 1092: Project Work
Post Graduate Supervision+
Academic Memberships+
(1) “Active Site Environment of Heme-Bound Amyloid β Peptide Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease” Debajyoti Pramanik and Somdatta Ghosh Dey*.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 81–87. ISSN No. 00027863
(2) “Heme-Cu Bound Aβ Peptides: Spectroscopic Characterization, Reactivity, and Relevance to Alzheimer’s Disease” Debajyoti Pramanik, Chandradeep Ghosh, and Somdatta Ghosh Dey*. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 15545–15552. ISSN No. 00027863
(3) “Self-Assembled Monolayers of Aβ Peptides on Au Electrodes: An Artificial Platform for Probing the Reactivity of Redox Active Metals and Cofactors Relevant to Alzheimer’s Disease” Debajyoti Pramanik,† Kushal Sengupta,† Soumya Mukherjee, Somdatta Ghosh Dey,* and Abhishek Dey*. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 12180–12189. ISSN No. 00027863
(4) “Interaction of amyloid β peptides with redox active heme cofactor: Relevance to Alzheimer’s disease” Debajyoti Pramanik, Chandradeep Ghosh, Soumya Mukherjee, Somdatta Ghosh Dey*. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2013, 257, 81-92. ISSN No. 00108545
(5) “Interaction of NO with Cu and Heme-Bound Aβ Peptides Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease” Debajyoti Pramanik,† Chandradeep Ghosh,† Soumya Mukherjee, Abhishek Dey,* and Somdatta Ghosh Dey*. Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 362-368. ISSN No. 00201669
(6) “Analogues of oxy-heme Aβ: reactive intermediates relevant to Alzheimer’s disease” Manas Seal, Soumya Mukherjee, Debajyoti Pramanik, Kaustuv Mittra, Abhishek Dey* and Somdatta Ghosh Dey *. Chem. Comm. 2013, 49, 1091-1093. ISSN No. 13597345
(7) “Apomyoglobin Sequesters Heme from Heme Bound Aβ Peptides” Debajyoti Pramanik, Soumya Mukherjee and Somdatta Ghosh Dey*.Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 10929–10935. ISSN No. 00201669
(8) “Self-assembly of stable oligomeric and fibrillar aggregates of Aβ peptides relevant to Alzheimer’s Disease: morphology dependent Cu/heme toxicity and inhibition of PROS generation” Sudipta Chatterjee† Kushal Sengupta,† Debajyoti Pramanik, Somdatta Ghosh Dey,* and Abhishek Dey*. Dalton Trans. 2014, 43, 13377–13383. ISSN No. 14779226
(9) “Engineering an [FeFe]-Hydrogenase: Do Accessory Clusters Influence O2 Resistance and Catalytic Bias?” Giorgio Caserta, Cecilia Papini, Agnieszka Adamska-Venkatesh, Ludovic Pecqueur, Constanze Sommer, Edward Reijerse, Wolfgang Lubitz, Charles Gauquelin, Isabelle Meynial-Salles, Debajyoti Pramanik, Vincent Artero, Mohamed Atta, Melisa del Barrio, Bruno Faivre, Vincent Fourmond, Christopher Leger and Marc Fontecave. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b01689. ISSN No. 00027863
(10) Hydrogen Evolution from Aqueous Solutions Mediated by a Heterogenized [NiFe]? Hydrogenase Model: Low pH Enables Catalysis through an Enzyme?Relevant Mechanism” Md. E. Ahmed, S. Chattopadhyay, L. Wang, D. Brazzolotto, D. Pramanik, D. Aldakov, J. Fize, A. Morozan, M. Gennari, C. Duboc,* A. Dey,* and V. Artero.* Angewandte Chemistry, 2018, 57, 16001-16004, DOI: :10.1002/anie.201808215.
(11) “Bioinspired Artificial [FeFe]-Hydrogenase with a Synthetic H-Cluster” C. Papini, C. Sommer, L. Pecqueur, D. Pramanik, S. Roy, E. J. Reijerse, F. Wittkamp, V. Artero, W. Lubitz, and M. Fontecave*, ACS Catalysis, 2019, 9, 4495-4501, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.9b00540.
(12) “Artificial maturation of [FeFe] hydrogenase in a redox polymer film” C. Felbek, S. Hardt, C. Papini, D. Pramanik, V. Artero, M. Fontecave, V. Fourmond, N. Plumere´ and C. Le´ger Chemical Communication, 2021, 57, 1750-1753, DOI: 10.1039/d0cc08168j,
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