Arnab Mandal
Assistant Professor

My research is primarily based on operator algebra which is usually classified as a branch
of functional analysis.
B.Sc in Mathematics (Calcutta University, 2008)
M.Sc in Mathematics (Calcutta University, 2010)
Ph.D in Mathematics (Indian Statistical Institute, 2017)
I did B.Sc and M.Sc from Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Belur. My Ph.D. degree
was awarded from Indian Statistical Institute under supervision of professor Debashish
Goswami. Thereafter, I joined at NISER, Bhuvaneswar as a postdoctoral fellow under
supervision of Dr. Sutanu Roy. I spent one and half years before joining at Presidency
Research / Administrative Experience+
Mainly my research is based on quantum groups in analytic framework. In particular,
quantum symmetry on non-commutative space (C*-algebra) is my interest. Now, I am
trying to explore quantum symmetries of graph C*-algebra and higher rank graphs.
Teaching / Other Experience+
I was teaching assistant of two courses (Algebra-1 and Real Analysis-1) at NISER dur-
ing 2017-18. Functional Analysis (for PG-II) and Algebra-1(for UG-I) were taken in odd
semester, 2018 at Presidency University.
Post Graduate Supervision+
Academic Memberships+
1. Arnab Mandal: Quantum isometry group of dual of finitely generated discrete groups-
II, Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal, 23 (2016), no.2, p-219-247.
2. Pavel Etingof, Debashish Goswami, Arnab Mandal, Chelsea Walton: Hopf coac-
tions on commutative algebras generated by a quadratically independent comodule,
Comm.Algebra, 45 (2017), no.8, 3410-3412.
3. Debashish Goswami, Arnab Mandal: Quantum isometry group of dual of nitely
generated discrete groups and quantum groups, Rev.Math.Phys, 29 (2017), no.3, 1750008,
4. Arnab Mandal: Example of a group whose quantum isometry group does not depend
on the generating set, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 61 (2019), no. 1, 1–11.
5. Soumalya Joardar, Arnab Mandal: Quantum symmetry of Graph C*- algebras as-
sociated with connected graphs, Infinite Dimensional Analysis,
Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 21 (2018), no.3, 1850019,18pp.
6. Jyotishman Bhowmick, Arnab Mandal, Sutanu Roy, Adam Skalski: Quantum sym-
metries of the twisted tensor products of C*-algebras, Comm.Math.Phys, 368 (2019), no. 3, 1051–1085.
7. Debashish Goswami, Arnab Mandal: Quantum Isometry Group of Deformation: A
counterexample, Annales Mathematiques Blaise pascal, 26 (2019), no. 1, 55–65.
8. Soumalya Joardar, Arnab Mandal: An example of explicit dependence of quantum symmetry on KMS states. J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 35 (2020), no. 4, 299–306.
9. Soumalya Joardar, Arnab Mandal: Quantum symmetry of graph C*-algebras at critical inverse temperature. Studia Math. 256 (2021), no. 1, 1–20.
10. Angsuman Das and Arnab Mandal, Classification of Cayley rose window graphs. Theory Appl. Graphs 8 (2021).
11. Soumalya Joardar, Arnab Mandal: Invariance of KMS states on graph C*-algebras under classical and quantum symmetry. Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2) 64 (2021), no. 4, 762–778.
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