Sobhan Kumar Sounda
Assistant Professor

Research Interest: Geometric Phase in Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space, Classical and Quantum Polarization Optics.
Teaching Interest:
UG: Mathematical Methods, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Special Relativity, Electrodynamics
PG: Mathematical Methods, Quantum Mechanics, Electrodynamics.Classical Mechanics
UG SEM 2 Electromagnetism questions
UG SEM 2 Reading Material : Electromagnetism and Special Relativity
UG SEM 2 Electromagnetism : Solve Maxwell's Equations
UG SEM 2Electromagnetism: Solve Maxwell's Equations contd....
UG SEM2 Electromagnetism: Helmholtz's theorem and Coulomb gauge
UG SEM 6 Questions on Quantum Optics: Coherent states and Quasi probability distributions
UG SEM 6: Quantum Optics : Squeezing operator and Squeezed vacuum states
B.Sc Physic Honours ( Midnapore College, Vidyasagar University, 1989)
M.Sc Physics ( Vidyasagar University, 1991)
Ph.D ( Jadavpur University, 2007)
Post Doctoral (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 2009)
After completing M.Sc I worked as an Assistant Teacher at Satyabhama Institution in 1994. During 2001 I started my doctoral work under the supervision of Dr. C.R. Mandal, Jadavpur University. Title of my thesis: Theoretical Studies on Inelastic Processes in Collisions of Heavy Ions with Atoms at Intermediate and High Energies. After finishing my doctoral work I moved to a fellowship at Tata institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai in 2007. Then I joined at Haldia Government College as an Assistant professor in Physics in 2009. In 2010 I moved to Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous), Narendrapore, Kolkata. I left the job there in 2018 to enable me to join at Presidency University.
Research / Administrative Experience+
Title of my Ph.D Thesis:Theoretical Studies on Inelastic Processes in Collisions of Heavy Ions with Atoms at Intermediate and High Energies.
Present area of Research: Theoretical Quantum Optics
Area of Interest: Geometric Phase using Glauber-Sudarshan Diagonal Coherent State Representation , Dynamics of Coherent states and its connections with geometric phase. Classical and Quantum Polarization Optics.
UGC Minor Research Project: F.No. PSW-065/14-15(ERO), dated 03 Feb, 2015
Project Title: Geometric Properties of Polarization Curve: Jordan-Schwinger Mapping of Quartet of Harmonic Oscillator with Gell-Mann type SU(4) group of matrices.
Departmental Responsibilities
a)Convener of UG syllabus Committee2015
b)Member of Board of Studies 2010-1018
c) Coordinator of Physics PG section : 2015-17
Teaching / Other Experience+
UG: Mathematical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics and Relativity, Optics (Polarization Properties of Quasi-monochromatic Light), Atomic Physics(He-atom, Pauli exclusion Principle and Slater determinant), Particle Physics(conservation Rules and Symmetry, Discrete Transformations).Magnetostatics. Quantum Optics and information(Elective)
PG: Mathematical Physics (Complex analysis, Group Theory, Linear Algebra & vector spaces), Basic Quantum Mechanics, Advanced Quantum Mechanics (Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics, Identical Particles).
Post Graduate Supervision+
M.Sc project Supervision in 2019-20(continuing)
1.Abhishek Das:Gravitational wave detection using non-classical states
2.Subhajit Halder: Gravitational wave detection using Schrodinger cat states
3. Taushif Ahmed: Geometric phase in case of non-hermitian matrices
U.G project Supervision in 2019-20(continuing)
1.Abhirup Chatterjee: classical limit of quantized electromagnetic field
2.Anish Mazumder: Existence of right eigen-states of boson creation operator
M.Sc project Supervision in 2019
1. Sayari Mazumder(Jadavpur University): A project report on interference of one photon state in Young's double slit set up
2. Anirban Talukdar(Barasat State University): Relation betweeen quantum and semi-classical descriptions of optical coherence
3. Narendranath Samaddar(Barasat State University): Evidence for the quantum nature of light
M.Sc Project Supervision in 2018
1.Soubhik Mukherjee:Readings of the paper: Diagonal coherent state representation for polarised light by C.L. Mehta and M.K. Sharma
2.Sambo Santra: Readings of the paper: Generalised delta functions and their use in quantum optics
3.Sandip Halder: Readings of the paper: Coherence properties of blackbody radiation. Correlation tensors of the classical field by C.L. Mehta and E. Wolf
4.Arpan Das: Readings of the paper: Coherence properties of blackbody radiation. Correlation tensors of the quantized field by C.L. Mehta and E. Wolf
5.Anirban Ghosh: On criterion to determine non-classicality of states
6.Avinaba Mukherjee:Readings of the paper: Coherence properties of Sunlight by G.S. Agarwal
7.Sagar Ghosh: Study of cyclic quantum evolution and Aharonov-anandan Geometric phases in SU(2) spin-coherent states
M.Sc Project Supervision in 2017
1. Souvik Das: Readings of R. Parthasarathy and R. Sridhar’s paper: Diagonal representation of Density matrix using q-coherent states.
2.Rafiul Hassan sardar: Readings of the paper: The q-deformed harmonic oscillator, coherent states, and the uncertainty relation by V.V. Eramin, A.A. Meldianov, Theo. Math. Phys.147,709 (2006).
M.Sc Project Supervision in 2016
1. Koushik Mandal: Readings of E.C.G Sudarshan’s paper: Equivalence of semi-classical and quantum description of statistical beams.
2.Kingshuk Adhikary: Readings of the paper: Time evolution of coherent states by C. L. Mehta, E.C.G Sudarshan.
Academic Memberships+
1. Indian Physical Society
2. Indian Association of Physics Teachers
Paper In arXiv: Geometric Phase using Diagonal Coherent State Representation, Prosenjit Maity and Sobhan Sounda. (arXiv: 1805.06495v 1 [quant-ph] 16May 2018)
1.R. Mukherjee & S.Sounda (2018) Single Particle Closed orbits in Yukawa Potential. Indian J. Phys.92 (2),197-203
2.R. Das & S. Sounda(2014) Logarithmic Perturbation expansions for an inverse square weak perturbing potential .Physics Teacher, Vol. 56 (Nos. 1-4), Page 44
3.S. Ghosh, M. Purkait,S. Sounda, A. Dhara & C.R. Mandal (2009) Electron excitation of hydrogen atom by ions impact in the energy range 20-1000keV/amu. Indian J. Phys. 83(9), 1259-1269
4.M. Purkait,S. Sounda, A. Dhara & C.R. Mandal(2006) Double-charge transfer cross-section in inelastic collisions of bare ions with helium atoms.Physical Review A 74, 042723
5.S. Sounda,A. Dhara, M. Purkait & C.R. Mandal (2006) State selective electron capture in partially stripped ion-atom interaction at intermediate and high energiesEur. Phys. J. D 38, 257-263
6.M. Purkait, A. Dhara,S. Sounda & C.R. Mandal(2001) Inelastic processes in the interaction of partially stripped ions of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen with atomic hydrogen at intermediate and high energies J. Phys. B:At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, 755-767
7.A. Dhara, M. Purkait, S. Sounda & C.R. Mandal (2001)Charge transfer in the interactions of partially stripped ions with atoms at intermediate and high energiesIndian J. Phys. 75B (2), 85-90
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