Arpita Barua
Assistant Professor

My research interest is in the field of condensed matter physics and material science. I am currently working on the synthesis and characterization of rare earth based perovskite materials for various technological applications.
B.Sc. Physics ( West Bengal State University, 2013)
M. Sc. Physics (Jadavpur University, 2015)
Ph. D. Science (Jadavpur University, 2023)
Research / Administrative Experience+
Teaching / Other Experience+
Post Graduate Supervision+
Academic Memberships+
1. Study on the structural, spectroscopic, and dielectric properties of 1:2 ordered Ca3(B′Ta2)O9 (B′ = Mg and Zn), Md. Monwar Hoque, A. Barua, Alo Dutta, Sanjoy Kumar Dey , T. P. Sinha,Ionics 23, 471-483 (2016).
2. Impedance spectroscopy analysis of complex perovskite Sr2YbSbO6, A. Barua, S. Maity, R. Mondal, and S. Kumar, AIP Conference Proceedings 1942, 110033 (2018).
3. Structural, optical and electrical characterization of Ba2YbTaO6, A. Barua, S. Maity, S. Kumar, A. Dutta, T.P. Sinha, Physica B 583 (2020) 412057, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physb.2020.412057
4. Structural and dielectric characterization of triple perovskites Ba3NiTaNbO9 and Ba3NiTaSbO9, A. Barua, S.K. Dey, S.K. Sabyasachi, S. Kumar,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 854 (2021) 157217, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.157217
5. Nanocomposite formation owing to the mechanical activation of Ba2YbSbO6 perovskite, A. Barua, S. K. Dey, S. Dey and S. Kumar Physica B 649 (2023) 414449
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