MD.Inamur Rahman
Assistant Professor

My intellectual journey revolves around the intricate realms of ethics, issues of justice, and global justice, with a deep commitment to social and political philosophy. As a scholar, my approach has always been rooted in critical inquiry, seeking alternative modes of engagement with the world.
My academic journey has been a continuous exploration of the ethical dimensions inherent in the complex tapestry of our global society with global issues. My research delves into the heart of contemporary issues like global poverty, unpacking the layers of ethical considerations that underlie the ever-evolving dynamics of justice and philosophy.
What sets my approach apart is a relentless pursuit of critical perspectives, constantly questioning assumptions and exploring innovative ways to address the foundations of any philosophical issue. I am particularly drawn to issues such as pluralism, multiculturalism, and comparative religion. These topics fuel my passion for understanding the diverse fabric of human experience and navigating the ethical complexities that arise in our interconnected world. One of my fundamental interests in research is to understand various philosophical issues not independently from each other but the interconnectedness of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and politics.
Topic: “Theories of Global Justice and the Problem of Global Poverty”
Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi, New Delhi (2021).
M.Phil. (Philosophy)
Topic: “Issues in Multiculturalism and Moral Cosmopolitanism”
Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi, New Delhi, (2015).
M. A. (Philosophy)
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh (2012).
B.A (Philosophy)
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh (2010).
Research / Administrative Experience+
My doctoral research revolves around the exploration of justice in its various forms and functions, with a focus on critically conceptualizing contemporary approaches. It engages in unravelling the intricacies of justice as articulated by eminent thinkers such as John Rawls, Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum, and others. Delving into their frameworks, I aim to identify and address the loopholes within modern political notions of justice. Through a unique lens, I bring Plato into the conversation, seeking to provide an alternative and refreshing framework for justice that challenges and complements contemporary perspectives.
A central facet of my doctoral work involves engaging with one of the paramount issues of our time: global poverty. I endeavour to understand how different theories of justice grapple with this pressing challenge. By critically assessing and synthesizing insights from diverse philosophical traditions, I aspire to contribute nuanced perspectives that can inform discussions on ethical and just solutions to the complex issue of global poverty.
In my M. Phil research, my focus was to explore the rich terrain of multiculturalism. I sought to understand how issues of multiculturality can be effectively addressed, particularly by exploring the profound role that different notions of the ‘good’ play in shaping culture and cultural identity. Through a meticulous examination of cultural dynamics, I aimed to offer insights into fostering a more pluralistic, inclusive and harmonious society.
These research pursuits reflect my commitment to not only understanding the theoretical foundations of justice but also applying these insights to contemporary challenges. As an advocate for interdisciplinary dialogue, my goal is to contribute to the ongoing discourse on justice, enriching our collective understanding and, ultimately, fostering positive change in our world.
Some of my presentations are as follows:
1. Delivered an invited talk on “Foucault and the Archaeology of Morals” in an open-table discussion in “World Congress Foucault: 40 Years After” on 24-25th May 2024, jointly organized by the Post Colonial Studies Association of the Global South and Institute of Language Studies and Research, Kolkata.
2. Delivered an invited talk on “Rousseau on Social Contract” at The Philosophical Club of Calcutta in alliance with Alliance Francaise du Bengale, Kolkata, 2023.
3. Presented a paper titled “Gandhi on Duty Towards Poor” in a Two-Day International E-conference on Why does Gandhi Matter: Relevance of Different Aspects of Gandhian Thought in Modern Era, organised by Sewnarayan Rameswar Fatepuria College, Beldanga, 2023.
4. Presented paper titled “Theories of Justice and the Epistemic Foundations of Pluralism” in IX Critical Theory Colloquium, Delhi, 2022.
5. Presented a paper entitled “Analyzing two different versions of Liberal-Multiculturalism in India Context” at the conference on Celebrating Multiple Identities in India at Malaviya Centre for Peace Research, Banaras Hindu University, 29-30 November 2014.
Teaching / Other Experience+
For the last 5 years, I have been teaching majorly the following topics -
1. Western Ethics: - It involves teaching the foundational principles and theories in Western moral philosophy, such as virtue ethics, deontology, consequentialism, and ethical egoism. It takes students on a journey to explore the works of historical figures like Plato, Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill, and Jeremy Bentham etc.
2. Applied Ethics:- Applied ethics delves into the ethical considerations within specific domains, such as business, healthcare, technology, or the environment. It involves examining moral dilemmas and applying ethical theories to situations like discrimination, abortion, terrorism, war and poverty.
3. Biomedical Ethics:- Biomedical ethics focuses on ethical issues in medicine, healthcare, and the life sciences. Topics include patient autonomy, clinical trials, euthanasia, genetic engineering, cloning, and the ethics of medical research.
4. Social & Political Philosophy:- This area involves exploring fundamental questions about political authority, justice, rights, and the nature of society. Key thinkers might include Plato, Hobbes, Rousseau, Hegel, Marx, and contemporary political philosophers. This course also allows us to engage with the Indian Political Thought.
5. Environmental Ethics - Indian and Western Perspectives:- Environmental ethics addresses the moral dimensions of environmental issues. It includes discussions on anthropocentrism, ecocentrism, sustainability, Land Ethic, Deep Ecology, and the ethical implications of human interaction with the environment, incorporating both Western and Indian philosophical perspectives.
6. Introductory Course to Philosophy:- An introductory philosophy course typically covers a broad spectrum of philosophical topics, providing students with a foundational understanding of the discipline. This might include an overview of major branches of philosophy, historical figures, and key philosophical concepts.
Post Graduate Supervision+
I have worked with many Post-graduate and Undergraduate students and have participated with them in dialogues and guided them, pushed them to sharpen their thoughts, redefine their engagements, refine their understandings and how to formulate philosophical issues in writing. Below are few of the topics that I have supervised at the Postgraduate level -
“A critical analysis of Gandhi’s notion of Ahimsa”,
“Metric of Justice: Resourcist Approach vs Capability Approach”,
“An Analysis of Gender Inequality from the Perspective of Capability Approach”
“An Analysis of Plato’s Concept of Justice”
“Veil of Ignorance and its implications in human life”
“A Comparative Analysis of Social Contract Theory: In reference to Hobbes and Rawls”
“Possibility of Perpetual Peace in Context of Global and Civil Peace” etc etc.
Academic Memberships+
- Rahman, I. (2017). “Debates on Poverty and Our Moral Obligations: An Analytical Study” in Intellection V (II), ISSN: 2319-8192.
- Rahman, I. (2021). “Critical Appraisal of Ethical Theories” in Ethics, Indira Gandhi National Open University: Delhi, .
- Rahman, I. (2023). “Equality” in Social and Political Philosophy, Indira Gandhi National Open University: Delhi.
Rahman, I. (March, 2024) “Theories of Justice and the Epistemic Foundations of Pluralism”, Philosophical Papers XX, ISSN: 0976-4496.
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