Tanwir Arshed
Assistant Professor

My doctoral research thesis on Indian foreign policy specifically examines the role which the United States played in the strained relations between India and Pakistan. Apart from this as a researcher I have earned ground level research experience of how rural women can be empowered through an organization like NGO’s and Self Help Groups (SHGs) in selected districts of West Bengal while working as a fellow in a major research project funded by UGC. Presently, I am focused to continue my research on various dimensions of Indian Foreign Policy such as its changing dynamics with its neighbors and India’s new policy outlook reflected in development through diplomacy with ‘superpowers’ specifically the United States, Russia, and China.
I am further interested to look into the manner in which sub-regional integration is evolving and bigger (trans)regional forums like BIMSTEC, IORA, Mekong Ganga, SOC cooperation have emerged within the rubric of India’s Act East Policy for building a single economic cooperation platform and how these developments can change the status quo of the South Asian region in the near future.
Apart from this, I intend to carry out my future research and publication works on the growing trend of regionalism and fringe movements those are taking place in the contemporary Indian milieu. In a broader context, I propose to place this study within the discussions on public policy, community formation, identity politics, and democracy.
Along with these, I am also interested in studying the socio-economic conditions of the children and women communities in the hilly, tribal, and tea garden belts of North Bengal region. In fine, I propose to undergo an inclusive and wide-ranging study of how these marginalized communities are being affected from time to time through the public policies and flag-ship programmes initiated by the central and state governments. The larger question around which I seek to place my inquiry through an unbiased participative and ethnographic studies is to study how beneficial or detrimental the impact of organizations like SHGs, Local Self Government, Autonomous Councils, and Community Development Boards have been on empowering these rural marginalized sections of the society.
B.A. Department of Political Science, Siliguri College (2007)
M.A. Department of Political Science, University of North Bengal (2009)
Ph.D, Department of Political Science, University of North Bengal (2017)
After my Masters I got myself associated with the Department of Political Science, University of North Bengal as a Project Fellow in an UGC Major Research Project on Self Help Groups and Empowerment of Rural Women: A study in Selected Districts in West Bengal.
I was awarded the UGC Maulana Azad National Fellowship for pursuing in Ph.D. In due course, I served in institutions like the Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Dagapur and Department of Life Long Learning and Education, University of North Bengal as Assistant Professor (Guest).
In was also associated with the Department of Law, University of North Bengal as an Assistant Professor Full-time contractual for almost two years.
Before joining Presidency University, my last academic assignment was in the Department of Political Science, Kurseong College as Assistant Professor in an substantive post.
Research / Administrative Experience+
My research area is primarily focused on studying the paradigm shift in the Indian Foreign Policy vis-a-vis China Pakistan and the United States.
I am also keenly focused on studying the various dimension related to women empowerment specifically in the rural areas of North Bengal and
the politics of autonomy and development in the sub-Himalayan and terai-dooars region of North Bengal.
Teaching / Other Experience+
International Relations
Public Administration
Political Thought (Western & Indian)
Marxist Political Theory
Post Graduate Supervision+
Academic Memberships+
Associated Member of West Bengal Political Science Association.
1. Arshed, T. (2024). India and South East Asia: Mapping the Changing Contours of Partnership in the Twenty-First Century. In: Basu, P.P., Arshed, T. (eds) 75 Years of India’s Foreign Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-6054-1_9
2. Arshed, T., Basu, P.P. (2024). The Making of India’s Foreign Policy: Elements and Determinants. In: Basu, P.P., Arshed, T. (eds) 75 Years of India’s Foreign Policy. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-6054-1_2
3. Governance, Good Health, and Well-Being: A Study of Swasthya Sathi Prakalpa in West Bengal. In: Zafarullah, H., Azmat, F. (eds) Governance and Sustainable Development in South Asia. South Asian Public Administration. Springer, Cham, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-67616-1_12
4. Limited War in India- Pakistan: Revisiting the 24 Years of Kargil War; in Indian Journal of Law and Justice, September 2023, Vol. 14, No. 02; ISSN No: 0976-3570
5. Competition Law and Community based Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Selected Homestays in the Kalimpong District of West Bengal in Regulating Fair Competition Towards Sustainable Development Goals (eds) Siti Fazilak Abdul Shukor, Farahdilah Ghazali and Nur Ismon; DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0390-0; ISBN13: 9798369303900; IGI, Global 2023.
6. The Paradox of Human (in)-Security: A Study of East Timor and Papua New Guinea in Human Security in Asia Interrogating State, Society, and Policy (eds.) Debasish Nandy and Debtanu Majee; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-3585-7; ISBN 978-981-99-3584-0; Palgrave Macmillan.
7. Nehru’s Idea on Geo-Politics: Reflections on the India-China Relations; in Indian Journal of Law and Justice, September 2018, Vol. 09, No. 02; ISSN No: 0976-3570
8. Article selected to be published- Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: Emerging Trends in Constitutional Issues and Development’ in a peer reviewed edited book to be published by the Department of Law, University of North Bengal.
9. Sino Indian Border Dispute: An Analysis of the Territorial Dispute in the Himalayas; in Indian Journal of Law and Justice, March, 2016, Vol. 07, No. 01; ISSN No: 0976-3570
10. Empowering Women Through SHG &Microfinance: An Inclusive Approach in the edited book Women Empowerment in India Opportunities and Challenges; Compiled by Dr. Gopal Sharma; Rupali Publications; 2015; ISBN: 978-93-81669-88-4
11. “Human Rights in Azad Kashmir: A Case of Denial and Deprivation” in the edited book Theory and Practice of Human Rights The Indian Context; Compiled by Dr. Gopal Sharma; Rupali Publications; 2015; ISBN: 978-93-81669-80-8
12. “The US Drones & Their Legality in the Present Humanitarian World” in ‘Indian Journal of Law and Justice’ [IJLJ]; Department of Law University of North Bengal, Vol-5 No. 02, September 2014, ISSN: 0976-3570
13. “The Thunder Dragon Kingdom and India –An Asymmetric Relation of Strategic Importance and Mutual Development” in Journal of Life Long Education and Development; Volume: III, Number- 2; 2013-2013; ISSN No: 2231-4121
14. “Revisiting the Foundations of Non-Alignment Movement in the Post Nehruvian Era: Compulsions and Realities” in the Edited Book Post Nehruvian Politics in India: Agitations, Assimilations, Assertions and Consequences; compiled by Dr Manas Chakraborty; Levant Books; 2015; ISBN: 978-93-84106-24-9
15. ‘China Factor’ in India-Pakistan Relations: A Review; in the Journal of Politics and Governance, Vol. 3 No. 4, ISSN: 2278 – 473X, October-December 2014.
16. “Combating Terrorism in India and Pakistan: A Review of the Role of United States of America” jointly published with Dr. M Yasin, in the Journal of Politics and Governance, Volume-2, 3/4, ISSN: 2278 – 473X, July-December 2013.
17. “Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups: A Conceptual Perspective”, jointly published with Dr. Maya Ghosh, in the Journal of Political Studies, Volume-IV, Department of Political Science, University of North Bengal, March 2010.
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