Muktish Acharyya
Professor and Head of the Department

Trying to learn..........
B. Sc. (Physics) - University of Kalyani-1986
M. Sc. (Solid State Physics as Special paper) - University of Kalyani-1988 (Exam held in 1989)
Ph.D. (Physics) - Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (Calcutta University) -1996
Postdoctoral research positions held:
(a) July 96-April 1997: Postdoctoral fellow, Physics, IISc, Bangalore, India
(b) July 97-June 1998: Postdoctoral fellow, Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, Germany
(c) July 98-July 1999: Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Physics, Duisburg University, Germany
Teaching positions held:
(i) Krishnanagar Goverment College- 1999-2006
(ii) Presidency College- 2006-2012
(iii) Presidency University- 2012-Continuing
Research / Administrative Experience+
Research Interests (Statistical Physics & Nonlinear Dynamics):
(1) Phase transition.
(2) Nonlinear dynamics.
(3) Continuous symmetric spin models.
(4) Magnetisation reversal.
(5) Mathematical biology.
Administrative experiences:
1. Head of the Department ( 1.7.2019 to 2.12.2020 )
2. Member of CAS subcommittee (2016-2024), Presidency University.
Teaching / Other Experience+
(1) Undergraduate level:
Theory: Advanced Classical Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics
Laboratory: Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics
Projects: Two students
(2) Postgraduate level:
Theory: Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Advanced Condensed Matter Physics, Nonlinear physics
Laboratory: Computational techniques
Projects: Two students
(3) PhD Coursework:
Advanced Computational Techniques, Advanced techniques of theoretical Physics
1. National Digital Library of India
1. Actively involved in Examination, Evaluation, Paper setting, Moderation etc. in Presidency University and other Universities. External Member of Board of Studies.
2. Actively involved in the PhD Thesis reviewing and external expert in final PhD viva.
Post Graduate Supervision+
Ph.D. supervision:
1. Ajay Halder (Awarded in January 2020)
2. Moumita Naskar (Awarded in September, 2022)
3. Olivia Mallick (Awarded in March, 2025)
4. Ishita Tikader (Ongoing, Joined in November 2021)
Academic Memberships+
Editorship of International Research Journals:
Joint Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Physics Through Computation (ISSN:2617-1163), (Clausius Scientific Press, Ottawa, Canada) Peer reviewed, Scopus indexed, and Open-access (no APC) journal.
• Member of Editorial Boards of the following International Research Journals:
1. Frontiers in Physics (ISSN:2296-424X) , Associate Editor
2. Former editorial Board member, Heliyon (Elsevier, CellPress) (2015-2024)
3. Guest Editor, "100 Glorious years of the Ising model", European Physical Journal B, Topical Issue
4. Member of Editorial Board, Smyrna Journal of Natural and Data Science, Turkey
• Reviewer of research Journals:
1. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Elsevier)
2. Physics Letters A (Elsevier) Outstanding reviewer
3. Physica A (Elsevier) Outstanding reviewer
4. Chemical Physics Letters (Elsevier) Outstanding reviewer
5. Journal of Theoretical Biology (Elsevier) Outstanding reviewer
6. Physica B (Elsevier)
7. Phase transitions (Taylor & Francis)
8. European Physical Journal B (Springer)
9. Physical Review E (APS)
10. Physical Review Letters (APS)
11. Journl of Statistical Mechnics: Theory and Experiments (IOP)
Reviewer of research grant
Some recent publications:
1. S. Kundu and M. Acharyya, Role of Noise in the Fairen-Velarde model of
bacterial respiration, Advanced Theory and Simulation (Wiley) (2025) 2401143
2. I. Tikader and M. Acharyya, What will be the Euclidean dimension of an Ising ferromagnetic cubic shell ? J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 610 (2024) 172539
3. O. Mallick and M. Acharyya, Nonequilibrium tricritical behaviour in anisotropic
XY ferromagnet driven by elliptically polarised propagating magnetic field wave, (2024), Physica A, 651 (2024) 130018.
4. O. Mallick and M. Acharyya, Critical behaviours of anisotropic XY ferromagnet in the presence of random field, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 599 (2024) 172084.
5. M. Acharyya and B. K. Chakrabarti, Quantum Ising heat engine: A meanfield study, Eur. Phys. J. B, 97 (2024) 45
6. S. Kundu and M. Acharyya, Existence of two distinct time scales in the Fairen-Velarde model of bacterial respiration, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 35 (2024) 2450094.
7. M. Naskar, M. Acharyya, E. Vatansever and N. G. Fytas, Disorder effects on the metastability of Heisenberg ferromagnets, Phys. Rev. E, 108 (2023) 014121
8. O. Mallick and M. Acharyya, Monte Carlo study of the phase transitions in
the classical XY ferromagnets with random anisotropy, Phase Transitions
(Taylor and Francis), 96 (2023) 668-686.
9. I. Tikader, O. Mallick and M. Acharyya, Effects of geometry, boundary condi-
tion and dynamical rules on the magnetic relaxation of Ising ferromagnet,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. C (World Scientific), 34 (2023) 2350147
10. S. Chatterjee and M. Acharyya, Critical Slowing Down along the Separatrix
of Lotka-Volterra Model of Competition, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 34 (2023) 2350118
11. A. B. Acharyya, M. Acharyya, E. Vatansever, N. G. Fytas, Transient behavior
of damage spreading in the two-dimensional Blume-Capel ferromagnet, J. Stat. Phys. 190 (2023) 1.
12. M. Acharyya and E. Vatansever, Monte Carlo study of the phase diagram of layered XY antiferromagnet, Physica A 605 (2022) 128018.
13. M. Acharyya, Rodlike Heisenberg nanomagnet driven by propagating magnetic
wave: Nonequilibrium phase transition, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 33 (2022) 2250129
14. A. Datta and M. Acharyya, Modelling the Spread of an Epidemic in the presence of Vaccination using Cellular Automata, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 33 (2022) 2250094.
15. M. Naskar, M. Acharyya, E. Vatansever, N. G. Fytas, Metastable behavior of the spin-s Ising and Blume-Capel ferromagnets: A Monte Carlo study, Phys. Rev. E 104 (2021) 014107.
16. M. Naskar and M. Acharyya, Metastability in a graded and step-like variation of field and anisotropy of the Blume–Capel ferromagnet, Physica A 568 (2021) 125747
17. E. Vatansever and M. Acharyya, Nonequilibrium multiple transitions in the core-shell Ising nanoparticles driven by randomly varying magnetic fields, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 527 (2021) 167721
18. T. Das and M. Acharyya, Transient behavior towards a stable limit cycle in the Selkov model of Glycolysis: A Physiological disorder, Physica A 567 (2021) 125684
19. M. Acharyya, Role of anisotropy to the compensation in Blume-Capel trilayered ferrimagnet, Superlattice and Microstructures 147 (2020) 106648
Presidency University,
86/1 College Street,
Kolkata - 700073,
West Bengal, India
Email: muktish.physics at presiuniv.ac.in
alternate E-mail: muktish.acharyya at gmail.com
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