Anudeb Mandal
Assistant Professor

- Ph.D. (Sedimentology), 2017 (Jadavpur University)
- M.Sc. (Applied Geology), 2009 (Jadavpur University)
- NET (Earth Atmospheric Oceanic and Planetary Sciences), 2008 (CSIR)
- B.Sc. (Geological Sciences), 2007 (Jadavpur University)
My doctoral work at Jadavpur University, Kolkata was on Facies analysis and sequence-building in parts of the Lower Cretaceous Bhuj Formation, Kutch, India. Simultaneously I was engaged in teaching activities. After completing the Ph.D. I continue my research almost in the same field with FRPDF, Presidency University funding, and SERB project entitled “Facies Architecture, Depositional Framework and Sequence Building of the Upper Member (Albian), Bhuj Formation, Kutch, India”,
Research / Administrative Experience+
My research is primarily in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. I am well familiar with Phanerozoic formations and worked upon them extensively within the country. I have published five international research papers addressing various aspects of Phanerozoic sedimentation, sequence-building, and respective chemical analysis for paleoclimatic reconstruction. During my research work, I got expertise both on marine and subaerial sediment exposed in the Kutch and Cauvery basins, India. Apart from Physico-chemical characterization, I develop paleosol analysis, ichnology, and iconological fabric, which are very much contextual for the study of Phanerozoic sequence (both marine and fluvial). I have also published two international research papers on Proterozoic sedimentation, and sequence-building that help me to get deep insight into the sedimentological distinctiveness among the Cenozoic, Phanerozoic, and Proterozoic successions. Apart from acquiring field expertise, I had the opportunity to be associated with work involving quite a few sophisticated instruments (e.g. XRD, EDAX, SEM, EPMA, Raman Spectroscopy, CL, etc.). I also completed the SERB (EEQ) project entitled “Facies Architecture, Depositional Framework and Sequence Building of the Upper Member (Albian), Bhuj Formation, Kutch, India”, EEQ/2018/000910 from where three international articles were published.
Teaching / Other Experience+
- Assistant Professor and HOD (From 29.06.2011 to 31.03.2012, Contractual) at Sikkim University.
- Assistant Professor in WBES and HOD (From 28.05.2015 to 02.02.2017) at Department of Higher Education (W.B.) (Posted at Govt. General Degree College at Manbazar-II, Purulia).
- Assistant Professor at Presidency University since 03.02.2017
Post Graduate Supervision+
As part of the regular PG course I have supervised about 09 M. Sc. dissertations. A few students are pursuing research under my supervision.
Academic Memberships+
Member of SEPM
Member of IAS (Indian Association of Sedimentologists)
Chakraborty, N., Mandal, A. and Mandal, S. 2022 Palaeoclimatic imprint on fluvial sediments: examples from Indian Phanerozoic successions in Madhav et al., (eds.) Ecological Significance of River Ecosystems, Elsevier.
Chakraborty, N., Mandal, A., Nagendra, R., Srimani, S., Banerjee, S., and Sarkar, S. 2021 ‘Cretaceous deposits of India: A review’, in Banerjee, S., and Sarkar, S. (eds.) Mesozoic stratigraphy of India: A multiproxy approach, Springer.
Koner, A., Sarkar, S., Mandal, A., Choudhuri, A., and Mandal, S. 2021 Fluvial architecture modulation in course of aeolian dominance: Upper Terrestrial, Bhuj Formation, Kutch, In Banerjee, S., and Sarkar, S. (eds.) Mesozoic stratigraphy of India: A multiproxy approach, Springer.
Chakraborty, N., Mandal A., Choudhuri A., Mandal S. and Sarkar S. (2018). Indigenous siliciclastic and extraneous polygenetic carbonate facies in the Albian-Turonian Karai Shale, Cauvery Basin, India. Carbonates and Evaporites – Springer 33 (3), 561–576
Chakraborty, N., Sarkar S., Mandal A., Mandal S. and Bumbyd A. (2018). Microenvironmental Constraint On δ13C Depletion: Garudamangalam Sandstone, Cauvery Basin, India. Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier, 91, 776-784
Chakraborty, N., Sarkar S., Mandal A., Mejiama W., Tawfik HA., Nagendra R., Bose PK. And Eriksson PG. (2017). Physico-chemical Characteristics of the Barremian-Aptian Siliciclastic Rocks in the Pondicherry Embryonic Rift Sub-basin, India. Elsevier book entitled “Sediment provenance: influences on compositional change from Source to Sink”. Pp 85-121.
Mandal A., Koner A., Sarkar S., Tawfik HA., Chakraborty N., Bhakta S and Bose PK. (2016). Physico-chemical tuning of Palaeogeographic shifts: Bhuj Formation, Kutch, India. Journal of Marine and Petroleum Geology, Elsevier, 78, 474-492.
Bose, P.K., Sarkar, S., Das, N.G., Banerjee, S., Mandal, A. and Chakraborty, N., (2015). Proterozoic Vindhyan Basin: configuration and evolution. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 43(1), pp.85-102.
Sarkar, S., Chakraborty, N., Mandal, A., Banerjee, S., Bose, P.K. and Hu, X.F., (2014). Siliciclastic–carbonate mixing modes in the river-mouth bar palaeogeography of the Upper Cretaceous Garudamangalam Sandstone (Ariyalur, India). Journal of Palaeogeography, Elsevier 3(3), pp.233-256.
Samanta, P., Mukhopadhyay, S., Mandal, A. and Sarkar, S., 2011. Microbial mat structures in profile: the Neoproterozoic Sonia sandstone, Rajasthan, India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Elsevier, 40 (2011) 542–549.
Koner A., Mandal A. and Sarkar S. 2016. A Lost River, The Early Cretaceous: Bhuj Formation, Kutch, India. Abstract Vol. National Conference of IAS 2016, on “33rd Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologist with emphasis on energy resources and climate change”.
Chakraborty N., Mandal A. and Sarkar S., 2016. Tectono Sedimentation History of Cretaceous Shelf at Passive Continental Margin: Dalmiapuram (Limestone) Formation, Cauvery Basin, South India. Abstract Vol. National Conference of IAS 2016, on “33rd Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologist with emphasis on energy resources and climate change”.
Mandal A., Koner A., Sarkar S., Tawfik HA., Chakraborty N., Bhakta S and Bose PK. 2015 Palaeogeography of the Lower Cretaceous Bhuj Formation, Kutch, India Revisited. Abstract Vol. 2nd International Conference of the Journal of Palaeogeography.
Mandal A. and Hazra S. 2015. Abstract and oral presentation on “Modeling of Petroleum Traps for Andaman Forearc Basin, India, abstract vol. “on a National conference on “Petroleum in India: Present and Future” Calcutta University.
Mandal A., 2014 Oral presentation on SEPM Sponsored National conference 2014, entitled “Palaeosols in Cretaceous Bhuj Formation and their geological significance”.
Mandal A. 2013 Propitious preservation of river-flood deposits amidst marine storm beds and its implication: Transition between Upper and Lower Members, Mid-Cretaceous Bhuj Formation, Kutch. Abstract poster presentation on National conference IGU 2013 on” Modern Geological and Geophysical Methods and Their Applications “
Mandal A., Bhakta S., Sarkar S. and Bose PK. 2012 Course of Events that Constrained Evolution of the Fluvial-Dominated Bhuj Formation, Kutch, India on Top of Marine Shelf. Abstract and oral presentation on National conference IAS 2012, on “Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks: Resource Potential, Depositional processes, Implications to Ecosystem and Environmental Changes”
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