Mousumi Dutta

Research interests:
Application of econometrics to development issues, in health, gender, environment.
Econometrics (Theory and Applications), Microeconomics, Mathematical Economics and Statistics.
Head of the department from August 2013 to May 2022.
B.Sc. with Economics Major (Calcutta University, 1991)
M.Sc. Economics (Calcutta University, 1993); First class first, Gold Medallist
M.Phil. Economics (Jadavpur University, 1996)
Ph.D. Economics (Calcutta University, 2006)
I have been teaching since 1997. I was appointed as Lecturer in Economics, West Bengal Education Service and have taught in institutions like Bethune College and Presidency College. I joined Presidency University in September 2012.
My doctoral thesis was on " Economics of Built Heritage Conservation: The Prospect of Calcutta”
I have recently finished two International projects, funded by The International Growth Center, London School of Economics:
“Can peer and neighbourhood effects improve maternal health outcomes in rural Bihar? Assessing the role of formal and informal network” - PI
“Herself and her children: How worse off are they? Impact of COVID-19 in rural Bihar" - Co-PI
Research / Administrative Experience+
I am interested in the application of econometrics to development-related problems particularly health, gender & environment.
My doctoral thesis was on the historical buildings and sites of Calcutta. I used statistical techniques to show how markets may be constructed for valuing the cultural, historical and aesthetic value of such sites, and how the values of such sites may be compared.
My interest on policy and planning issues continued, although I shifted my focus to gender, health-related areas.
Recently finished funded projects
1. “Can peer and neighbourhood effects improve maternal health outcomes in rural Bihar? Assessing the role of formal and informal network”, with Z. Husain (Presidency University) and S. Ghosh (IDSK). Funded by The International Growth Center, London School of Economics: March, 2019-June, 2020. Principal Investigator
2. “Herself and her children: How worse off are they? Impact of COVID-19 in rural Bihar" (Project Code IND-20092): Zakir Husain, Mousumi Dutta, Saswata Ghosh (IDSK) & Kaushik Chaudhuri (Leeds University Business School). Sanctioned by The International Growth center, London School of Economics: September 2020 - February 2021. Co-Principal Investigator
1. K. Chaudhuri (Leeds Business School), Z. Husain, M. Dutta (Presidency University): “Socio-biological determinants of educational attainments”: June, 2019 onwards [Funded from FRPDF]
2. Jyotsna Goswami, Joydeep Bhaumik, Asima Mukhopadhyay (TMC), M. Dutta, Z. Husain (Presidency University): “Restrictive or Individualized Goal-Directed Fluid Replacement Strategy in Ovarian Cancer Cytoreductive Surgery: A prospective randomized controlled trial”, funded by Tata Memorial Centre (Kolkata): July 2016- completed: June 2018.
3. Prof. P. Ray Chowdhury (ISI Delhi), Dr. A. Mukhopadhyay & Dr. J. Bhaumik (Tata Medical Centre), Dr. Z. Husain (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur) and Dr. I. Roy Chowdhury (CSRD, Jawaharlal Nehru University): "An economic analysis of alternative treatment methods of ovarian cancer in India: An appraisal of economic burden, quality of life and mortality risk", [Funded by Niti Ayog, Delhi]. April, 2016-April 2020
Completed studies
1. Z. Husain, D. Mukherkee, S. Mukherjee & M. Dutta (2014-2016) “Examining the Foetal Origin Hypothesis: Does Ramadan fasting of the mother affect long term physical development of children?” Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
2. M. Dutta (2012-2014) “Choice of Traditional Contraceptives among Currently Married Women in Kolkata: Ultra-Modernism or Son Preference?”. Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi.
3. A. Chakraborty, I. Chakraborty, Z. Husain & M. Dutta (April-December 2008) “Women, Work and Education: Women in Kolkata’s IT Sector”, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Germany.
4. Z. Husain, B.K. Das & M. Dutta (January-December 2009) “Women, Empowerment and the State: Enhancing Capabilities through Employment-Generation Schemes”, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Germany.
5. M. Dutta (2011-2012) ‘Analyzing nature of demand for medical care in India: A micro-level analysis’ funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research, Eastern Region.
6. M. Dutta (2009-2010) ‘Reproductive Health of Slum Dwellers of Kolkata – An Analysis of NFHS III Data’ funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research, Eastern Region.
7. M. Dutta (2007-2008) ‘Crime in India: An Econometric Analysis’ funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research, Eastern Region.
8. M. Dutta (2005-2007) University Grants Commission Minor Research Project on ‘Multi Criteria Decision Making in Economic Planning: An Application on Calcutta’s Built Heritage’.
9. M. Dutta (2001-2003) University Grants Commission Minor Research Project on ‘Calcutta’s Heritage Sites: A Micro-Valuation’.
Administrative Experience
Head of the Department from August 2013 to May 2022.
Teaching / Other Experience+
My specialization is in Econometrics (Theory and Applications). I also teach Microeconomics, Mathematical Economics and Statistics. I have experience in teaching Game Theory, International Economics and Public Economics.
Teaching since March, 1997
Served in Taki Goverment College (1997-98), Bethune College (1998-2006) and Presidency College (2006-2012) as Assistant and Associate Professor; Joined Presidency University as Professor of Economics in September, 2012.
Post Graduate Supervision+
Joint supervisor to Ankita Rajgarhia, “When marriage ends: Trends, determinants and consequences of union dissolution in India”, Economics Department, Presidency University, Registered, December 2020.
Joint supervisor to Richa Kothari, “Silent bruises: Essays on the determinants and consequences of violence against women in India”, Economics Department, Presidency University, Awarded Ph.D. in August, 2023
Academic Memberships+
Life Member:
Annual Member:
1. Lee, Julia Yujung; Z. Husain, & M. Dutta (2023) “Does improved cooking fuel empower women? Evidence from India”, Sustainable Development. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2695. IF: 8.562
2. Z. Husain, S. S. Datta, S. Ghosh & M. Dutta (2023) “Change in mental health during the COVID-19pandemic: a longitudinal study of residents of Indian metropolitan cities”, Journal of Mental Health. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2023.2182417 IF: 3.681
3. Z. Husain, S. Ghosh & M. Dutta (2022) “Changes in dietary practices of mother and child during the COVID-19 lockdown: Results from a household survey in Bihar, India”, Food Policy. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2022.102372 IF: 6.08.
4. Z. Husain & M. Dutta (2022) “Impact of SHG membership on the adoption of child nutritional practices: evidence from JEEViKA’s Health and Nutrition Strategy programme in Bihar, India”, Journal of International Development. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/jid.3703. IF: 1.821. 5. Z. Husain, S. Ghosh & M. Dutta (2022) “Cash transfers versus food subsidies during COVID19: dietary practices of rural women in Bihar, India”, Development in Practice. DOI: 10.1080/09614524.2022.2148632. IF: 0.959 6. R. Kothari, Z. Husain & M. Dutta (2022) “Understanding the Geography of Victimization: A Spatial Analysis of Intimate Partner Violence in India”, Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605221120898. IF: 2.621. 7. A. Dhar, Z. Husain & M. Dutta (2015) “Is the bell tolling for elderly workers”, Journal of Regional Development & Planning, 14(1): 1-20. 8. Z. Husain & M. Dutta (2015) “Who will play with me when my mother works? Impact of grandparental presence on labour market outcomes of mothers”, Economic Political Weekly, 23 May, L(21): 74-82. 9. Z. Husain, M. Dutta & N. Chowdhury (2014) “Is health wealth? Results of panel data analysis”, Social Indicators Research, 117(1): 121-143. https://www.springerprofessional.de/en/is-healthwealth-results-of-a-panel-data analysis/5755992 IF: 2.935. 10. Z. Husain, D. Mukherjee & M. Dutta (2014) “Self Help Groups and empowerment of women— Self-selection, or actual benefits?”, Journal of International Development, 26(4): 422-437. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jid.2815 IF: 1.537.
1. M. Dutta, Z. Husain & A.K. Sinha (2022) Impact of COVID-19 on India and the Global Order: A multi-disciplinary approach, Springer Nature: Singapore. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-16-8472-2 2. S. Banerjee & M. Dutta (ed) (2019) Opportunities and Challenges in Development: Essays for Sarmila Banerjee. Springer: Singapore. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-13-9981-7 3. Z. Husain & M. Dutta (2017) Fertility Control in a Risk Society: Analysing Contraception Choice of Urban Elites in India, Springer. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9788132236832 PAGE [4] of 11 4. Z. Husain & M. Dutta (2014) Women Workers in Kolkata’s IT sector: Satisficing Work and Household, Springer. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9788132215929#otherversion=9788132215936 5. M. Dutta (2010) Economics of Conservation of Built Heritage: The Case of Calcutta, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN No. 978-3-8383-8892-2 6. Z. Husain, M. Dutta & D. Mukherjee (2010) Employment and the State: Challenges and Opportunities, VDM Verlag, Germany. ISBN No. 978-3639278378
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