Supravat Bagli

I am interested in Applied Econometrics.
BA Economics (Honours) (BU, 1997)
MA Economics (BU, 1999)
M. Phil Economics (BU, 2002)
Ph. D. Economics (BU, 2011)
My teaching career started in April 2005 at Deshbandhu Mahavidyalaya, Chittaranjan, Burdwan. In 2012, I joined Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia, West Bengal as Assistant Professor of Economics in PG Department of Economics. Currently I teach at the Department of Economics, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Research / Administrative Experience+
I have experience of empirical research in issues of microfinance and human development in India. Reviewed more than ten papers for different reputed Journals in the field of social economics. Currently I work on health and gender reletated issues in the context of Indian Economy. Before joining Presidency University I worked as Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Department of Economics, Sidho-Kanho-Bisha University.
Teaching / Other Experience+
My teaching area includes Statistics, Basic Econometrics, Public Economics and Indian Economics at under graduate level. I teach Econometric Methods with application using STATA and Advanced Time Series Econometrics at Post Graduate level with application using EViews. In Ph. D. program my teaching area covers Advanced Time Series Econometrics and Simultaneous Equation System.
Post Graduate Supervision+
Ph. D Students.
1. Goutam Tewari (Sidho-Kanho_Birsha University, Purulia)
Title of the Thesis: A Study of Multidimensional Poverty in Purulia District, West Bengal
Awarded on 24th November, 2020
2. Moumita Khowas (Sidho-Kanho_Birsha University, Purulia)
Title of the Thesis: Efficacy of Government Expenditure on Secondary Education - A Case Study of Purulia District in West Bengal
Awarded on 15th October, 2020
3 Manoranjan Maji (Sidho-Kanho_Birsha University, Purulia)
Title of the Thesis: Socio-Economic and Environmental Impact of Illegal Coal Mining in Salanpur Coalbelt of West Bengal
Awarded on 14th August, 2020
4. Senjuti Ghosh Das (Presidency University, Kolkata)
Title of the Thesis:A Study of Women’s Empowerment: Insights from the West Bengal Experience
Date of Registration March, 2021
5. Shreyasee Datta (Presidency University, Kolkata)
Title of the Thesis: Some Aspects of Healthcare Facilities and Health Insurance in India
Date of Registration: November, 2021
Academic Memberships+
- Life member of The Indian Econometric Society, (A Registered Society for Advancement of Quantitative Economic Research) Life Membership Number: L/2505/12-13
- Executive Council member of The Indian Econometric Society, (A Registered Society for Advancement of Quantitative Economic Research) for 2020-21 and 2021-22
- Life member of Bengal Economic Association (Associate member of International Economic Association), Mallick Road, Kolkata, 700047
1. Group-Centric Microfinance for Financial Inclusion: Theories and Empirics Renu Publishers, New Delhi, 2016, ISBN 978-81-85502-13-7 (Print) ISBN 978-81-85502-14-4 (Online)
2. Persistent and Emerging Challenges to Development, Insights for Policy-making in India, (Edited Volume), Springer Nature-Singapore,2021 ISBN 978-981-16-4180-0(print) ISBN 978-981-16-4181-7(Online)
Articles in Journals
- Multidimensional Deprivation: Cross-District Insights in West Bengal. Economic. Affairs, vol 67(05), pp 745-51 December 2022
- Impact of Suddenly Complete Demonetization in India: A Microeconomic Analysis, Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics, Vol 24(1) pp. 100-110, 2021
- Financial Inclusion and Human Development: A Cross-Section Study in India, The Indian Economic Journal, Vol 61(3), pp. 390-406, 2019
- Factors Affecting the Illegal Mining Activities in Salanpur Coalbelt of West Bengal Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics pp. Vol21(1) 75-88, 2019
- Microcredit-Microsavings Interlinkage: An Explanation, The Microfinance Review, Vol. VIII No. 1, 2016, pp 90-97 January-June 2016, ISSN- 2229-3329
- Intensity and Inequality of Multifaceted Deprivation of the States in India The Asian Economic Review, Vol.57 No. 4, pp 119-136 December, 2015,
- Multidimensional Poverty: An Empirical Study in Bankura District, West Bengal” Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 327-342, 2015
- FDI inflow and Economic Growth in India An Empirical Analysis, Economic Affairs, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 23-33, March, 2014 (Jointly with Maniklal Adhikary).
- An Insight into the Financial Inclusion of the States in India Journal of Social and Economic Development, Vol.15, No.1, pp-50-66 January-June 2013, Institute for Social and Economic Change, (Jointly with Maniklal Adhikary & Papita Dutta).
- Self-Help Groups and Borrowing Cost: An Empirical Study Addressing Endogeneity Problems, The microFINANCE REVIEW, Vol. IV No. 1, 2012 pp.69-85 (Jointly with Maniklal Adhikary)
- Self-Help Group Movement: An Instrument of Livelihood Security, (A Case Study of Tribal Households in Bankura District) Indian Journal of Economics, Vol. XIVC, No. 372, July 2013, pp. 89-112, (Jointly with Maniklal Adhikary)
Articles in Edited Books
1. Multidimensional Poverty in Rural India: An Exploratory Study of Purulia District. in ‘Persistent and Emerging Challenges to Development- Insights for Policy-making in India’ eds. S. Bagli, et.al, (Chapter 11) Springer Nature, Singapore, 2021
2. Incidence of Wasted Pregnancy and Health Facilities: An Empirical Study of the Indian Women. in ‘Persistent and Emerging Challenges to Development- Insights for Policy-making in India’ eds. S. Bagli, et.al, (Chapter 9) Springer Nature, Singapore, 2021
3. Health Deprivation of Children: Positions of the Backward Districts in West Bengal, in S.K. Jana et.al eds “Inclusive Growth and Backward Region Development, Sectoral Issues, Serial Publications
4. India’s Demonetization, 2016: Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Consequences in “The Impacts of Monetary Policy in the 21st Century: Perspectives from Emerging Economies” ed R.C.Das, Emerald Publishing Limited
5. Poverty and Inequality of SHG-Member Households: Evidence from Villages in North Andaman Island in Handbook of Research on Microfinancial Impacts on Women Empowerment, Poverty, and Inequality, ed. R.C. Das, IGI Global, 2019
6. A Study of Multidimensional Poverty in Northeast India in ‘Inequality, Poverty and Development in India- Focus on the North Eastern Region’, by U. De, et.al (Eds) Springer Nature, Singapore, 2017, pp 189-206
7. Health and Empowerment of Graduate Women: A Case Study of Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia, West Bengal in ‘Dynamics of Higher Education’ K. Das (Ed) Regal Publications New Delhi, 2016 pp 117-131
8. Impact of Participation in Self-Help-Groups on Economic Condition of the Rural Poor in West Bengal in ‘Rural Development in India Challenges and Prospects’ M. Ghosh & A. K. Chattopdhyay (Eds), Serial Publications, New Delhi, 2013, pp. 315-332
9. A Study of Food Security in India” in Growth and Diversification Aspects of Rural Development ed. P. K. Chattopadhyay, New Delhi Publishers, 2014, pp 73-88 New Delhi
10. Self-Help Groups and Livelihood Security: A Case Study of Tribal Households in Bankura District in Facets of Sustainable Development: Some Issues for the Third World ed A. Sengupta, Regal Publication, pp 183-201, New Delhi, 2014
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