Ngaineilam Haokip
Assistant Professor

My area of interest includes Philosophy of Mind, Moral Philosophy, Applied Ethics, and Philosophy of Religion. My interest mainly lies in the relationship between Personal Identity and Moral Responsibility, as I want to bring out the link between Metaphysics and Ethics (Value Theory). One of the most important Philosopher in this area is Derek Parfit and I believe his standpoint present us with an interesting situation that needs further enquiry.
The role of Philosophy in understanding Religion in the 21st century is becoming more important. In the day and age of social media and in the post-truth era, the true meaning and understanding of the role of religion will help the society become better in terms of toleration and integration.
Applied Ethics makes the role of philosophy more relatable and approachable. It is becoming urgent to highlight the role of ethics in the development of society as a whole.
- BA Philosophy (Delhi University, 2002)
- MA Philosophy (Delhi University, 2004)
- M. Phil (Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2008)
Topic : - "The Problem of Personal Identity: Some Ontological and Ethical Issues"
- Ph.D (Jawaharlal Nehru University, 2013?)
Topic : - "Subjectivity and Moral Responsibility: Contemporary Debates on the Concept of Persons"
My doctoral work at JNU was on the relationship between Subjectivity and Moral Responsibility in shaping contemporary debates on Personal Identity. My first short-time teaching appointments were after I completed my Ph.D. - as guest-faculty in Janki Devi Memorial College (Delhi University), and as guest-faculty in Centre for Philosophy, School of Social Sciences (Jawaharlal Nehru University). I joined Lakshmibai College, Delhi University as Assistant Professor (Adhoc) for a year (August 2014-August 2015). I moved to Presidency University on 14th September 2015.
Research / Administrative Experience+
My research is primarily in understanding the role of philosophical approach in religion and ethics in the development of a person's identity. A person is an amalgamation of diverse influences from nature and nurture. The role played by morality in shaping the identity of a person needs further research to understand its intricate link. This will further help us in our understanding of the society and its aim for development, and giving us the opportunity to influence the growth of humanity. The role of philosophy in the development of the society needs to be highlighted.
Teaching / Other Experience+
- I taught part of 'Personal Identity' paper to MA final year student in JNU, the Thinkers/Philosophers include - Sydney Sheomaker, Richard Swinburne, Bernard Williams and Derek Parfit.
- 'Ethics in Public Domain' to BA first years in DU
- 'Early Greek Philosophy' to BA first years in DU
- 'Later Greek Philosophy' to BA final years in DU
- 'Introduction to Logic' to BA first years in DU
- 'Practical Ethics' to BA second years in DU
- At Present, I am teaching Philosophy of Language to MA final year and Metaphysics and Epistemology to BA final year.
Post Graduate Supervision+
I am interested in supervising both undergraduates (SEC paper art UG 2) and post-graduates (Dissertation Writing paper at PG 1 and PG 2) students in Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind, Feminism and Environmental Ethics.
Academic Memberships+
Life time member of Indian Philosophical Congress (IPC) since 2019.
Member of Indian Association for the Study of Religion (IASR) in 2019.
Life time member of Kuki Research Forum (KuRF) since 2020.
Member of Board of Studies (BoS) in the Department of Philosophy, Presidency University, Kolkata, since 2015.
Member of the Departmental Academic Committee (DAC) in the Department of Philosophy, Presidency University, Kolkata, since 2015.
Haokip, Ngaineilam. "Personal Identity in Relation to Value Theory and Moral Responsibility", in Ravanshaw Journal of Philosophy, Volume VIII, November 2022, pp. 85-100, ISSN 2395 : 3209
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