Rabisankar Giri
Assistant Librarian

I did M.Sc (Ag. Chem.) from CU and subsequently AIS from CSIR-NISCAIR, New Delhi. Prior to joining the University, I worked as in-charge library automation, digital library and library 2.0 services in Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Delhi. I also worked as Head –Photo Archives, Times of India, In-charge-Periodicals and Database, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, the premier think tank in India’s Defence and Security Studies.
B. Sc. Chemistry Hons. ( University of Calcutta )
M. Sc. Ag. Chem. & Soil Sc. (University of Calcutta)
Associateship in Information Science (CSIR-NISCAIR, New Delhi)
Ph.D.(University of Calcutta)
Being an information science professional, my research interest centres on investigating how knowledge brokers in complex, multimodal communication settings use information systems to transfer knowledge and influence others. I have published articles on different aspects of information system in several WoS and Scopus indexed journals.
Presently, I am working on Scientometric Indicators for objective assessment of scholarly publications.
Research / Administrative Experience+
My current research primarily aims to develop a sensible indicator to assess scientific achievement objectively.
Teaching / Other Experience+
My area of interest is Research Evaluation, Scientometrics, Altmetrics, Social Media in Education
Post Graduate Supervision+
Academic Memberships+
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Scientometric Research (Web of Science and Scopus Indexed)
Journal Articles
Giri, R. and Das A.K. (2023). The Journal of Scientometric Research: A statistical outlook of the first eleven volumes of the journal. Journal of Scientometric Research. 12(3), 739-754. DOI: 10.5530/jscires.12.3.070. (Impact Factor of 2022 - 0.8)
Giri, R. , Pandey, S. and Gupta, D. (2022) Covid-19 and management: A bibliometric perspective of research outputs from India. Library Herald. 60(1), 58-69. https://doi.org/10.5958/0976-2469.2022.00005.7.
Giri, R. and Chaudhuri, S.K. (2021) Ranking journals through the lens of active visibility. Scientometrics. 126(3), 2189-2208. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03850-6 (Springer, 5Year Impact factor of 2021- 4.133)
Giri, R. and Choudhury, S K (2020). Effect of Common Extraneous Citation Optimizing Factors on Journal Impact Indicators, Journal of Scientometric Research, 9(1) 63-69. DOI:10.5530/jscires.9.1.7. (Impact Factor of 2022 - 0.8)
Giri, R. (2019). Influence of selected factors in journals’ citations. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 71(1) 90- 104, https://doi.org/10.1108/AJIM-07-2017-0170 (Impact factor of 2019- 2.2)
Giri, R., Sen, B K and Mahesh, G (2015).Collection Development in Indian Academic Libraries: An Empirical Approach to Determine the Number of Copies for Acquisition.DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 35(3) 9-17. (Impact Factor of 2022 - 0.9)
Giri, R., Kar, D. C. and Sen, B K (2014). The Effect of Facebook Adoption in an Academic Library. World Digital Libraries- An International Journal, 7(2) 133-144.
Giri, R. (2012). NewGenLib 3: an integrated open source library management system that makes your library visible in web. Library Hi Tech News, 29(10) 4-12. ((Emerald, UK; Scopus indexed)
Giri, R., Chand, P. and Sen, B. K. (2012). Indian S&T journals in international indexing and abstracting databases: A study. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 59 (4) 247-279. (Impact Factor of 2022 - 0.6)
Giri, R. and Das, A. K. (2011). Indian Citation Index: a new web platform for measuring performance of Indian research periodicals. Library Hi Tech News, 28(3) 33-35. (Emerald, UK; Scopus indexed)
Giri, R. and Sengar, D.S. (2011). Use of open source software in the learning resource centre of Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology: a case study. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 58(1) 41-47. (Impact Factor of 2022 - 0.6)
Book Chapters
1. Sengar, D.S. and Giri, R. (2012). Harnessing the power of people behind the Libraries: the case of OSS implementation in LRC of IGIT”, in Veeranjaneyulu, K. et al. (Ed.), Organization of information in the Knowledge Society, Intellectual Foundation, Rohtak, pp. 181-187. ISBN: 9789381818008.
2. Giri, R. (2022). ‘Riding the crest of Metric Tide: the pitfalls of using shortcuts in assessing research in Social Sciences and Humanities’, in Sett, S. and Sahu N. B. (Ed.), Social Science Research in India: Tracing the Future Trajectory, DLIS, Vidysagar University, Midnapore, West Bengal, India. pp. 237-248. ISBN: 9788192345239. DOI: 10.31235/osf.io/5r4y6
Conference Papers
1. Giri, R. and Kar, D. C. (2013, 27-29 November), ‘Adopting Facebook for the Library: a case study of the library of IGDTU’. International Conference on Digital Libraries, New Delhi, TERI; pp. 1066 – 1075.
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