Barada Laxmi Panda
Assistant Professor and Head of the Department

My research approach in my Doctoral Study was in Ethics. Ethical discourses not only evaluate the content of action, but also try to locate the normative source of the action. The evaluation of action investigates the features of characterization of action. There are many characterizing features of the action, such as, rationality, normativity and intentionality, etc. These features accordingly define actions as rational, normative and intentional respectively. Rationality is defined in terms of certain justified reasons of action, whereas the notion of normativity refers to the moral grounds of action. An action is normative if and only if it is justified in fulfilling certain moral conditions. The justificatory moral conditions are often being described as moral reasons. Do the moral reasons differ from the mere rationality? Moral reason does state about certain form of reasoning which is exclusively having moral grounds and it thus differs from the notion of rationality. Hence, it does not necessarily imply that to be rational is to be moral and vice versa. Rather the normative actions are justified in terms of moral reason. That is to say, rational actions are not always value centric as the normative actions. Nevertheless, their difference does not imply that there is no reciprocity between the normative action and the rational action. It only emphasizes that the normative actions are not ontologically grounded in rationality. Hence, the ontological status of both the rational action and normative action can be understood with the help of the concept of intentionality of the moral agent. In this regard, the investigation extends to the nature of the interrelationship of these characterizing features of action which results in providing a comprehensive account of the notion of moral agency.
My research interest also extends to the area of Analytic Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Action, Applied Ethics and Bio-ethics.
BA Philosophy (Utkal University, First class First)
MA Philosophy (Utkal University, First Class Second)
M.Phil Philosophy (Utkal University)
PhD Philosophy (IIT Bombay 2012)
My Doctoral work at IIT Bombay was on Ethics. I have done a research on the interrelationship and interdependence of the three important concept that defines human action such as rationality, normativity and intentionality in the domain of ethics. I have discussed in my research that these three concepts together help to define the characteristics of moral agency. I received my PhD degree in 2012. Then I joined as an Asst. Professor in presidency University in the dept. of philosophy in December 2013.
Research / Administrative Experience+
Teaching / Other Experience+
2005-2009: Teaching Assistant (TA) in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
Currently I am teaching Western Ethics, Applied Ethics, Biomedical Ethics, Management Ethics, Virtue ethics and Indian Philosophy in UG and PG classes.
Post Graduate Supervision+
Academic Memberships+
1. Panda, Ranjan K., Panda, Barada Laxmi, (2009) Reason, Choice and Values: An Investigation from Aristotelian Perspective, Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, XXVI(2), 73-90.
2. Panda, Barada Laxmi, (2018) “Kantian Deontology and Its Application in Practical Life: A Critical Reexamination” published in the book “Ethics: Theory and Practice” edited by Dr. Harishchandra Sahoo, Lipika Publisher, Odisha.
2. Panda, B. L., Amartya Sen on Rational Choice has been accepted for Publication in the Special Volume on Amartya Sen from Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Paper Presentation in Conferences:
- Panda, Barada Laxmi, “Doctor-Patient Relationship – A Moral Debate following Indian Tradition and Hippocratic School”, organized by the P .G Department of Philosophy, Vikramdev Autonomous College, Jeypur, Odisha, 6th and 7th April 2019.
Panda, Barada Laxmi, “Conscious Agency: An Ethical Observation” paper presented in the 93rd Indian Philosophical Congress, Nava Nalanda Mahavidyalaya, Nalanda, March 9-11 2019.
Panda, Barada Laxmi, “Industrial Revolution, Technology and Ethical Questions” paper presented in the International HR Conference on ‘HR Trends 2030’ organized by the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, 1st and 2nd March 2019.
Panda, Barada Laxmi, “Freedom and Democracy: A Challenge in South-Asia” paper presented in the International Conference on Challenges to the Post-colonial Democracies: India and Her Neighbours in South-Asia, organized by Galsi Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal, 14th and 15th February, 2019.
Panda, Barada Laxmi. "The Science of Universal Religion of Swami Vivekananda" paper presented as a resource person in the National Seminar on Unity of Religion: Mission of Swami Vivekananda organized by Sailabal Women's (Auto) College, Cuttack, Odisha, 7th January 2019.
- Panda, Barada Laxmi. “Kantian Deontology and Its Application in Practical Life: A Critical Reexamination” Paper presented in the National Seminar on Ethics: Theory and Practice held on 19th and 20th August 2018 organized by the Department of Philosophy, BJB Autonomous College, Odisha, sponsred by ICSSR.
Panda, Barada Laxmi. “The Doctor-Patient Relationship in Biomedical Ethics.”Paper presented at the Faculty Development Programme, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad, 20th January 2018.
Panda, Barada Laxmi. “Euthanasia: Rational or Moral?”paper presented at the Faculty Development Programme, Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad, 20th January 2018.
- Barada Laxmi Panda, "Agency and Self-Reflectivity" in the National Conference on Agency and Values: Ethical Challenges in 21st Century organized by the Department of Philosophy, Presidency University, Kolkata, 24th-25th April 2017.
- Barada Laxmi Panda, “Conscious Agency” in International Conference / Symposium on Self Knowledge and Moral Identity organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, January 2015.
- Barada Laxmi Panda, delivered a talk as an invited speaker on “Ethics and Globalization”, World Philosophy Day 20th November 2014. Organized by Philosophy Department, University of North Bengal.
- Barada Laxmi Panda, “Agency, Freedom and Value”, in International Conference on Language, Mind and Social Construction organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, February 2009.
- Barada Laxmi Panda, “Sen On Rational Choice”, in Development, Freedom and Welfare, International Conference in Honour of Professor Amartya Sen organized by Cornell University, USA and Institute for Human Development, New Delhi, India, December 2008.
- Barada Laxmi Panda, “Intentionality: Towards the Ontology of Rationality and Normativity”, International Conference organized by Wesleyan Philosophical Society, USA, In Duke University, North Carolina, USA, March 2008.
- Barada Laxmi panda, “The Concept of Freewill: An Analysis”, in the conference Current Debates in Metaphysics organized by Indian Council of Philosophical Research and Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT, Bombay, February 2007.
- Barada Laxmi panda, “understanding the Concept of rationality”, Interim World Philosophical Congress organized by Federation Internationale des Societies de Philosophie (FISP) and Indian Philosophical Congress 81st Session, Convention Centre, Delhi University, Delhi, India, December 2006.
- Barada Laxmi Panda, “The Analysis of Karma with Reference to Indian Tradition”, 80th Session of The Indian Philosophical Congress, University of North Bengal, Darjeeling, WB, India, October 2005.
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