Arnab Kumar Mukhopadhyay
Assistant Professor

My doctoral research was focussed on Revival of Russell’s Logicist Program in securing a foundation of mathematics.
I have defended my Ph.D thesis entitled ‘Revisiting Russell’s Logicist Program in Providing a Foundation of Mathematics' in September, 2018.
I have defended my M.Phil dissertation on ‘Significance of Russell’s Theory of Incomplete Symbols in His Philosophy of Mathematics’ in 2009.
Before joining Presidency University, I have been teaching philosophy at Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous) where i was a member of various academic and administrative committees.
My area of specialization is Logic and Scientific Methods, Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Mathematics ( especially, Logicist School), and Philosophy of Bertrand Russell.
However, my research interest includes Western Logic (both philosophical and mathematical logic), Indian Logic ( with special reference to Nyaya-Vaisesika Theory of Numbers) Philosophy of Sciences (with special reference to socio-biological interpretation of theory of evolution, philosophy of physics through a convergent integrated research approach) , Applied Ethics ( with special reference to Ethik In - Der - Umwelt Sein, a version of being in the nature approach of Environmental Ethics) , Philosophy of Economic Development with a macro-level target) , Socio-Political Philosophy (with special reference to participatory democaric theories of west and India) and Existentialism, Philosophy of Film, Philosophy of Gender Studies, Peace Studies.
B.A. in Philosophy (Presidency College, University of Calcutta, 2003)
M.A. in Philosophy (Rabindra Bharati University, 2005)
M.Phil in Philosophy (Rabindra Bharati University, 2009)
Ph.D in Philosophy (Jadavpur University, 2018).
After defending my M.Phil dissertation on ‘Significance of Russell’s Theory of Incomplete Symbols in His Philosophy of Mathematics’, I have joined the department of philosophy, Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous) and served the same for over four years before joining Presidency University. I was the Chairman of the Board of Studies of the department of philosophy at Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous) till November, 2013.
I have Delivered academic lectures in many seminars and workshops. Some of which are as follows:
1.‘Mind-Thought- Language: Appropriation Theory of Mind’ at Rabindra Bharati University,Kolkata on 31st March, 2010.
2.‘Mind-Thought- Language: Appropriation Theory of Mind’ at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, on 16th November, 2010.
3.‘Number as explained by Russell in Principia Mathematica’ at the National Conference on LOGIC: from Philosophy to Computer Science through Mathematics at Vivekananda College for Women, Barisha, Kolkata on 11th December, 2010.
4.‘Mind-Thought- Language: Appropriation Theory of Mind’ at School of Cognitive Science, Jadavpur University, Kolkata on 5th May, 2011.
5.‘Thinking about Thought’ at the UGC sponsored state level seminar organized by Shaheed Anurup Chandra Mahavidyalay, Burul, 25th November, 2011.
6.'Is Principia a Phoenix?' at the Two day National Seminar, organized by Department of Philosophy, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi, on 24th & 25th January, 2012.
7. 'Attitude towards Nature: An Earthmanship Approach' at the UGC sponsored National level seminar organized by the Department of Philosophy, Rishi Bankim Chandra College in collaboration with Rishi Bankim Chandra College for Women, Naihati on 30th March, 2012.
8.‘Moral Ridicule and Rational Foundation of Morality: a Desired Ethical Response’ at the Seminar on Reason and Intuition, organized by Radhakrishnan Study Centre, and the Department of Philosophy, Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata, on 30th March, 2016.
9.'Partition, 1947: a blow yet to be recovered' at the Two Day International Conference on Reappraising the Partition of India, on 15-16 December, 2017, Organized by IQAC & Department of History, Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College, Howrah.
10.'Eternal India: Towards a Peaceful and Harmonious Coexistence' at the UGC –CPE Sponsored Two Day International Seminar On Eternal India: Harmony and Peace on 10 th & 11 th January, 2018, Organised by IQAC & Department of Philosophy, Bijoy Krishna Girls’College, Howrah.
11.'Recent Developments in the Foundation of Mathematics and Fundamental Analytic Flaws in Gödel’s Incompleteness Thesis' in UGC-CPE sponsored International Conference on Facets of Basic Sciences & Applications on February 5 - 7, 2018 in Bijoy Krishna Girls College, Howrah.
12. 'Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas of Bengal in the Context of Economic Development' at the 38th National Conference of Bangiya Arthaniti Parishad (BEA) On Economic Theory and Development Economics in collaboration with IQAC and Department of Economics, Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College, Howrah.
13.'Nyaya-Vaisesika Theory of Number: a cognitive interpretation', in ICPR Sponsored Two-day National Seminar on The Relevance of Indian Epistemology’, from December 23-24, 2018, organized by the Departments of Philosophy and Sanskrit, Cachar College, Silchar.
14. 'Nature of Number and Knowledge of Mathematical Truths:a comparison between Principia Mathematica and The Lilavati'; in ICPR Sponsored Three-day International Seminar on ‘Samsaya evam Pram?, Doubt and Knowledge – Indian and Western Perspectives,’ from March 15-17, 2019, organized by the Department of Philosophy, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
15.'Conquest of Global Peace and Harmony: Relevance of Gandhi in a not so Gandhian Era' in ICPR-sponsored Three-day National Seminar on Gandhian Activism for Human Perfection, from April 8-10, 2019, organized by the department of Philosophy, CBPB University, Coochbehar.
16. 'Visvamanavadharma : an alternative approach to peace and harmony'; in THE 5TH INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT OF INDIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE & HUMANITIES CONGRESS,Organized by PAIOLCK and Jadavpur University on September 7-8, 2019.
17. 'Minding about Mind and Thinking about Thought'; in ‘Two day International Seminar on Self, Knowledge and World: Perspectives from East and West’ , September 11 & 12 , 2019, organised by the Department of Philosophy, Presidency University.
18. 'Human Rights: challenges and possible solutions'; in International Conference on HUMAN RIGHTS: CONTEXT AND CONCERNS, organised by IQAC Bijoy Krishna Girls College, Howrah and West Bengal Human Rights Commission on 17/01/2020 and 18/01/2020.
19. 'Satyajit Ray on Meaning of Life'; in the TWO DAY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ‘Contemporary Bengali Thinkers in Philosophy, Value and Education’, organized by Department of Philosophy and Department of Education, Surendranath College for Women, in collaboration with the Department of Philosophy, University of Calcutta on 6 & 7 March, 2020.
20. 'Visvamanavadharma : a contemporary approach to peace and harmony' ; in the ‘6th International Conference on Emerging Trends of Research in Art, Aesthetics and Social Sciences’, organized by KAASH Foundation, 8th June 2020.
21.'Biparjyasta Deha o Bidhwasta Mon: Carona Atimarir Ek Bahumatrik Pratibedan', in the State Level Seminar organized by IQAC and the Department of Philosophy, Dumdum Motijhil College.
22. 'Philosophy of Social Work through Cognitive Protocol Model To Combat Covid-19 Pandemic'; in the ‘International Webinar on Pandemic and Social Work Profession’,organized by the Department of Social Work, Bankura University, September, 2020.
23. 'Concept of Value' , in the Conference organized by IQAC and Department of
Philosophy, Bijoy Krishna Girls' College, Howrah.
24. 'Logical Approach to Mathematics: Indian System Matters'; in ‘ICPR Sponsored Three-day National Seminar on LOGIC: EAST AND WEST’, organized by the Department of Philosophy, North Bengal University on March 17 - 19 , 2021.
25. 'Intrinsic Value of Nature' (Extension Lecture) in the Department of Philosophy, Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College, Howrah. November 26, 2022.
26. 'Behaviorism' (Special Lecture) in the Department of Philosophy, Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College, Howrah. January 13, 2023.
27. 'Virtue Ethics' (Special Lecture) in the Department of Philosophy, Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College, Howrah. January 16, 2023.
28. 'Care Ethics' (Special Lecture) in the Department of Philosophy, Bijoy Krishna Girls’College, Howrah. January 18, 2023.
29. 'Ethic in Der Umwelt Sein: An Alternative Approach to Environmental Ethics' in Two Day ICPR Sponsored Periodical Lecture and International Seminar on ‘Man and Environment’, organized by the Department of Philosophy, Surendranath College for Women, Kolkata. March 29-30, 2023.
30. 'Significance of Meta Theoretic Rigor of Navya Nyaya in Providing an Architecture of Indian Logic' in ICPR Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Perspectives of Indian Logic: Source and Implication in Present Society’, organized by the Department of Philosophy, Vidyanagar College, South 24 Parganas. June 16, 2023.
31. 'Human Value from the Perspective of Tri-Modal Cognitive Protocol' in the International Webinar on ‘Harmony in Diversity: Celebrating Human Values and Unity’, organized by the Department of Philosophy, Department of English, Department of Commerce & IQAC of Vidyanagar College, in collaboration with IQAC Saheed Anurup Chandra Mahavidyalay, South 24 Parganas. June 29, 2023.
32. 'Unveiling the Ancient Wisdom:Patanjali's Yoga Dar?ana and its Scientific Resurgence in the present Paradigm' in ICPR Sponsored National Seminar on ‘The Principles, Benefits and Present Day Practices of Yoga ‘, organized by the Department of Philosophy, Vidyanagar College, South 24 Parganas. September 27, 2023.
33. 'Ethical Gyroscope of Tri-Modal Cognitive Protocol 3.0: Charting against Malevolent Spirits' in State Level Seminar commemorating World Philosophy Day, organized by Department of Philosophy, Maulana Azad College, Kolkata. December 05, 2023.
34. 'Exploring the Ancient Wisdom of Patanjali's Yoga Darsana and its Scientific Insight' in the International Conference on Samkhya and Yoga Philosophy, organized by IQAC and Department of Philosophy, Bijoy Krishna Girls' College, Howrah. April 19, 2024.
35. 'Uncovering the Essance of Critical Thinking: A dive into Indian Philosophy', in the International Conference on Logic and Critical Thinking: Indian and Western Perspectives, organized by IQAC and Department of Philosophy, Maharani Kasiswari College, Kolkata. April 20, 2024.
Research / Administrative Experience+
- My doctoral research was focussed on Revival of Russell’s Logicist Program in securing a foundation of mathematics. Where I have shown that Logicist goal of reducing classical mathematics to logic is a viable program; and an outline to achieve the goal is laid down in my thesis. I have shown that inspite of the much celebrated Gödel’s Incompleteness Thesis will not go without contest also it is not that a problem for Russellian program either if the project of Principia is to be understood with its nominalistic interpretation. My Ph.D thesis entitled ‘Revisiting Russell’s Logicist Program in Providing a Foundation of Mathematics' is a continuation of my M.Phil dissertation on ‘Significance of Russell’s Theory of Incomplete Symbols in His Philosophy of Mathematics’ in the sense that three of the main devices of Russellian Program, namely, theory of Incomplete Symbols (to remain non-committal to the existence of class), theory of Logical Types (to impose a rule for class formation) and the theory of Deduction have been critically evaluated in face of various objections in the above two research program of mine.
- Currently I am working on the following:
1. Through a CIRA research approach I am trying to develop the Model of Appropriation Theory of Mind, addressing Broca’s aphasia, Wernicke’s aphasia and Turette syndrome through Cognitive Protocol Model.
2. Developing M-D model of wellbeing economic development through SHG Entrepreneurship.
3. Developing the idea Visvamanavadharma: an alternative approach to peace and harmony.
Teaching / Other Experience+
Currently I teach History of Western Philosopy, Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Philosophical Logic, Analytic Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Psychology, Philosophy of Language, Socil and Political Philosophy, Theories of Truth, Tarski"s Semantic Conception of Truth, Existentialism, Philosophy and Peace Studies.
Before joining Presidency University, I used to teach History of Western Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Ethics, Philosophy of Psychology, Logic at the department of philosophy, Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous).
Post Graduate Supervision+
Area of Research Interest:
Western Logic (both philosophical and mathematical logic), Informal Set Theory, Meta Logic, Indian Logic and Metaphysics (Nyaya-Vaisesika) Philosophy of Natural Sciences (with special reference to socio-biological interpretation of theory of evolution, foundation of physics) , Environmental Ethics, Philosophy of Economic Development, Socio-Political Philosophy of Arthasastra and, Philosophy of Bertrand Russell, Philosophy of Wittgenstein, Philosophy of Leibniz, Philosophy of Peace Studies, Correspondence Theories of Truth, Semantic Theories of Truth, Relation between Mind-Thought-Language, Existentialism.
Currently the Following Candidates are pursuing their Doctoral Research under my supervision:
- Mandira Ghoshal on "Decoding the Philosophical Paradoxes: Probing into the Landscape of Queer Familial Structures in India" (Registered and Ongoing)
- Rima Saha on "Reading Charulata From The Perspective of Philosophy of Film" (Registered and Ongoing)
- Spandita Mukherjee on "Pratyaksa: Revisiting The Nyaya Theory of Cognition" (Registered and Ongoing)
- Sharmistha Chakraborty on "Logical Account of Natural Number: A Comparison between Russell and Nyaya" (Registered and Ongoing)
Academic Memberships+
Member, BOS, Department of Philosophy, Presidency University.
Member, Sessional Committee, Department of Philosophy, Presidency University.
Member, Reviewer Panel, Journal of Foundational Research
Member, Reviewer Panel, Journal of Dum Dum Motijheel Rabindra Mahavidyalaya
External Adjudicator of Higher Degree Committee Jadavpur University.
Member, Calcutta Logic Circle (Kolkata)
Board Member, Prague Circle (Prague and London)
Member, Bertrand Russell Society (McMaster University)
Selected Publications:
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2009) : ‘What Should be our attitude towards Nature, in order to Secure a Better Tomorrow for Us’, Rabindra Bharati Journal of Philosophy,vol-XIV, Kolkata, pp. 89-100. (ISSN:0973-0087)
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar and Basu, Sanjukta (2010) :‘Number as explained by Russell in Principia Mathematica’, Proceedings of the National Conference on LOGIC: from Philosophy to Computer Science through Mathematics, Vivekananda College for Women, Barisha, Kolkata, pp.29-57.
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2011) : ‘Securing Foundation of Mathematics without Foundationalism: A Russellian Account’, Jadavpur Journal of Philosophy, Vol-21, Number-1, Kolkata, pp.43-64. (ISSN:0975-6833)
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2011) : ‘Reading Principia Mathematica after 100 years’ in Arnab Kumar Mukhopadhyay et al. (eds.) Revisiting Principia Mathematica after 100 years, Gangchil, Kolkata, pp. 258-295. ISBN: 978-81-89834-84-5
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2012) : Russeller Ganiter Darshan: Ekti Sanskhipto Uposthapona, Knowledge Bank Publishers and Distributers, Kolkata. ISBN: 978-81-921012-2-4.
Executive Editor of Revisiting Principia Mathematica after 100 years, Gangchil, Kolkata. 2011. ISBN: 978-81-89834-84-5
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2015) : Russell's Theory of Incomplete Symbols: Its significance in his philosophy of mathematics, Knowledge Bank Publishers and Distributers, Kolkata. ISBN: 978-81-921012-9-3.
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2018) : “Recent Developments in the Foundation of Mathematics and Fundamental Analytic Flaws in Gödel’s Incompleteness Thesis” in UGC-CPE sponsored International Conference on Facets of Basic Sciences & Applications on February 5 - 7, 2018 in Bijoy Krishna Girls' College, Howrah, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol. xIssue x, Month April, 2018, ISSN: 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765, (Journal Homepage: http://www.ijmra.us, Email: editorijmie@gmail.com; Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as well as in Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A ). http://ijesm.co.in/past-articles.php?issueid=544.
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2018) : “Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas of Bengal in the Context of Economic Development”, Abstract published in Artha Beekshan: Journal of Bangiya Arthniti Parishad, Vol27, No-1, (ISSN: 0972-1185), Special Issue on 38th National Conference of Bangiya Arthaniti Parisad (BEA) On Economic Theory and Development Economics, Kolkata.
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2018) : “Eternal India: Towards a Peaceful and Harmonious Coexistence” (2018) in Kalyani Sarkar and Sweta Guha (eds.) Eternal India: Harmony and Peace, Avenel Press: Kolkata. ISBN: 978-93-80736-96-9.
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2018) :Chitagraster Dairy (2019), Parampara Prakashan, Kolkata. ISBN: 978-93-80869-39-1.
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2019) : "Partition, 1947: A Blow yet to be Recovered' in Karabi Mitra and Susen Gangyopadhyay (eds.) Reappraising The Partition of India, Readers Service (Kolkata) in association with IQAC and the Department of History, Bijoy Krishna Girls'College, Howrah.ISBN: 978-93-82623-89-2
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2020) :'Conquest of Global Peace and Harmony: Relevance of Gandhi in a Not So Gandhian Era' in Amal Kumar Harh (ed.) Social Transformation: M. K. Gandhi, ABS Books: Delhi.ISBN: 978-93-87229-21-1
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2020) : 'Nature of Number and Knowledge of Mathematical Truths: a comparison between
Principia Mathematica and The Lilavati'; in A. V. Singh and A. Varshney (eds.)
Studies in Epistemology: Knowledge, Its Anti-thesis, Their Dialectic, UGC Center for
Advanced Studies, Department of Philosophy, University of Rajasthan. ISBN: 82-86027-35-1. Reprinted in Journal of Foundational Research, Vol. XXVII Peer Reviewed (Samsaya Evam Prama), A. V. Singh (general editor), Department of Philosophy, University of Rajasthan. ISSN:2395-5635.Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2019) : 'Visvamanavadharma : an alternative approach to peace and harmony'; in Siddique Alam Beg and Saikat Bandyopadhyay (eds.) Pursuits of Philosophical Thought (Vol-ll) (an anthology of Peer-reviewed research articles), PAIOLCK, Kolkata, pp.1-11. ISBN 978-93-88207-52-2.
Mukhopadhyay, Arnab Kumar (2021) :Two:cholochitra darshaner aaloke phire dekha, Knowledge Bank Publishers and Distributors, Kolkata. ISBN: 978-81-950471-3-0. (First book on Philosophy of Film in Bengali language)
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