Anindya Gangopadhyay
Assistant Professor and Head of the Department

My interests include various aspects of different human relations reflected in literature, specifically in perspective of Psychology, Philosophy and History. Reception of Literary Genre and Social trends are also interesting to me, specifically in Hindi literature. My area of doctoral research was - "A study on psychology based fictions of Sacchidananda Hirananda Vatsyayan Agneya" ( A rebellious freedom fighter, an eminent Hindi author, an erudite Professor, Formerly Regent Professor of The University of Berkley, California, USA) . I always believe that the only avenue of successful sustaining is Transcendence. Transcendence of values, ideas and thoughts, indicates a silent quest. Miles to go, before I.......
B.A. (Hons.) in Hindi, The University Of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
M.A. in Hindi, The University Of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Ph.D in the year 2009 from The University Of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
I ranked First class in B.A (Hons.) Hindi at The University Of Burdwan West Bengal, India where I stood First in First class in M.A Hindi with record marks and was awarded University Gold medal. I enrolled for PhD at the University of Burdwan in the year 2005 and was duly admitted satisfactorily to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in arts Hindi on dated 09th June, 2009. I had past experience working as Channel Presenter and announcer for live programme in All India Radio, Calcutta for more than 6 years; I have ample experience of translating Radio-plays in AIR Calcutta and script writing for Tele-soaps, Mega-serial, Documentaries, Music video for Doordarshan, Kolkata, HMV and other private channels. I have also completed online examinations MCP, MCSE, MCSA and MCDBA of Microsoft Corporation USA in the year 2001. I started my journey of teaching career from a college residing at South Calcutta in the year 2004. In the year 2006 I accepted the offer of teaching in the Department of Hindi at Women’s College, Calcutta, more specifically to say from the inception of the department at Honours level in Under Graduation. Teaching stints as Lecturer and Head of the Department at Women's College, Calcutta for 7 years was really very convincing for my academic and administrative spell. I also served Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), Calcutta region as Guest faculty and Evaluator at post graduate level for more than 5 years and continued my Radio-talks for Gyan Vani Channel of IGNOU especially meant for distance education. I have published several articles in various National Journals, Multidisciplinary peer-reviewed International Journals and E-journals. A monograph “The Fictional Works of Agneya: Reflections on Impending Death” which is a part of my research work had been published by Aksharmanjari in the year 2009.
Research / Administrative Experience+
I have always a keen interest on ‘Stream of Consciousness’ because I believe Human psychology is the root cause of any sort of changes and Literature works as a perfect reflector which facilitates to understand people of anywhere by means of plunk dimension. Psychology based writings of eminent Hindi author ‘Sacchidananda Hirananda Vatsyayan Agneya’ with comparative analysis of world literature of same genre thus became in prime focus of my research pedagogy. I have seven years of working experience as Head of the Department in Women’s College, Calcutta.
Teaching / Other Experience+
For almost a decade in the Calcutta University affiliated colleges I taught courses of History of Hindi Literature, Modern poetry and fictions with critical methodologies and comparative criticisms at Honours level. I have also taught interdisciplinary courses to the students of Bengali Honours in Women’s College, Calcutta. Currently I am teaching Pre to Post-middle era in The History of Hindi Literature and also Hindi plays – Etymology, Theory, Comparative & Contemporary views to the under graduate major students and Indian poetics (Kavyashastra), Postmodernism for post graduate major students.
Post Graduate Supervision+
I have an experience working as counselor and evaluator in diploma and degree courses at Post Graduate level in Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for more than five years.
Academic Memberships+
Member, Bharatiya Bhasa Parisad, Kolkata
Member, National Library, Kolkata
Life member of ‘Srijan’ – A Society for Community Welfare Women’s College, Calcutta
Books : -
'Agneya ka kathasahitya : Mrityubodh' (The Fictional Works of Agenya : Reflections on Impending Death), Aksharmanjari, 2009, ISBN 978-81-909641-0-4
Essays, articles, and chapters (selected) : -
1. 'Quest for life' (On eminent Hindi author Agneya) in MS Academic (Internatinal Journal)
2. 'Lalan Kabir Katha' in Nayi Dhara (National Journal)
3. 'Agneya ke katha sahitya mein Mrityubodh' in Nayi Dhara;Janmasati Bisesh
(Birth Centenary Special, National Journal)
4. 'Bimal Katha' (On eminent Bengali author Bimal Mitra) in Nayi Dhara;Janmosati Bisesh
(Birth Centenary Special, National Journal)
5. 'Sindhubala' (Translation, story of Mahasweta Devi) in Nayi Dhara
6. 'Bhukh' (Translation, story of Kabita Singh) in Nayi Dhara
7. 'Manostwatto' (Translation, story of Ashalata Singh) in Nayi Dhara
8. 'Lalan Kabir Katha' (Reprint) in Academic Journal 'Sambodhi' of Magadh University
9. 'Charitrik dhanche ka atikraman karte Agneya ke patra' in Apne apne Agneya (Edited Book) Manav Prakashan, Kolkata, 2013, ISBN 978-93-80332-40-6
10. 'Unleashed Multiculture on Untamed Mind : An Effect' in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Volume 19, Issue 1, Version 12, P-ISSN 2279-0845, E-ISSN 2279-0837 (International Journal)
11. 'Bestiary Beacon : Experimentation in Bestiary in Hindi Poetry' in Bhatter College Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (Special issues on Animal Studies), Volume III, 2013, ISSN 2249-3301
12. 'A discourse of Swami Vivekananda on salvation from mystic death' in Journal of Education & Social Policy, Center for promoting ideas, Newyork, USA, June 2014, P-ISSN 2375-0782, E-ISSN 2375- 0790 (International Journal)
13. 'Lokbhavna ki moukhik parampara se loksahitya' in Bharatiya Sahitya : Lokjiban o Loksanskritir Anusandhan (Edited Book), Kabitika, July 2015, ISBN 978-93-85248-26-9
14. 'Hindi Kathasahitye attohatya prasange kichhu katha' in Attohatya (Edited Book), Sanskrita Pustak Bhandar, Kolkata, First Edition 2016, ISBN 978-93-83368-62-4
15. 'Bangla jasusi kathasahitya mein sahayak jasusoin ki bhumika' in Hans – Rahasya Apradh Varta, March 2017, ISSN 2454-4450
16. ‘Hindi Sahitya Parampara’ Parikatha (Half yearly Bengal Magazine), May 2018
17. 'Wahi Trilochan Hain', in Trilochan Srijan ke vividh ayam (Edited Book), Anand Prakashan Kolkata, 2018, ISBN 978-81-88904-29-7
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