Subhra Bhattacharya
Assistant Professor

I am an UGC Assistant Professor, appointed by the UGC under their Faculty Recharge Program.
Currently I am working on General Relativity and Cosmology. I have worked on wormholes and their fundamental properties in higher dimensional gravity theories like f(R) gravity, Rastall gravity RSII brane etc. I have also worked on the problem of expanding universe and problem related to Dark Energy (DE). I have worked on a project on inflationary cosmology, specifically warm inflation.
Currently I am working on some aspects of wormhole geometry and their properties in usual as well as higher order gravity theories and on the problem of expanding universe with respect to DE.
Alsthough my current area of research is in cosmology, I had an exposure on research in various fields of applied mathematics. During My Ph.D I was working with integral equations. I devised numerical techniques for their solutions, and those techniques are nowdays used quite often in related research. During my post-doctoral exposure at University of Utah, USA, I ventured into an altogether new field of Mathematical Biology. Here I used mathematical modelling to predict and understand biological systems. I worked on epidemiology and ecology, Taking various biological systems I tried to model them mathematically and from the ensuing mathematics I predicted their nature and relavance in the actual biological world. After joining Presidency University, I ventured into the field of cosmology and relativity.
This apart I am engaged in taking various undergraduate and post graduate classes here.
B.Sc and M.Sc: Mathematics (Jadavpur University, 2002, 2004)
Ph. D: Integral Equations (Jadavpur University, 2010)
Post-Doctoral: Mathematical Biology (University of Utah, USA, 2009 - 2011)
My Doctoral research was on numerical slution of integral equations. I devised a numerical scheme based on a novel polynomial - the Bernstein polynomials, to solve a wide class of integral equations ranging from regular to weakly singular and singular integral equations. Completing my doctoral work I moved to University Of Utah, USA. There I worked on nonlinear dynamical systems with applications in ecology and epidemiology. The projects I worked on were about modelling physical system and tracking their dynamics using various mathematical tools available. Numerical simulations were then used predict the system.
Research / Administrative Experience+
General Relativity and Cosmology: Problems pertaining to wormhole solutions, f(R) theory of gravity, Interacting dark matter and dark energy and observational results on available data, Inflationary Cosmology
Nonlinear dynamical systems with applications pertaining to fields of Mathematical Biology like epidemiology, ecology, population dynamics, brain research etc.
Teaching / Other Experience+
My first teaching experience dates back to 2005 when I worked as a Guest lecturer at Gokhale memorial college, Kolkata. There I was engaged in taking various undergraduate honours and pass courses. Later during my doctoral research I was engaged in teaching undergraduate engineering students at Jadavpur University. The various courses I taught at these places were differential calculus, differential equations, complex analysis, mechanics, computer programming and linear algebra. In 2012-2013 I was teaching at Narula Institute of Tachnology, Agarpara. There I was taking several undergraduate courses for engineering students under WBUT syllabus. Topics included differential and integral calculus, special functions, analysis and graph theory.
Here at Presidency University I am currently engaged in taking both undergraduate and post graduate mathematics classes. Courses include, Graph Theory, Rigid Dynamics, Numerical Methods,Game Theory, Ordinary Differential equations, Advanced Partial Differential Equations, C programming, Integral Equations, Special Functions, Calculus of Variations, Classical Mechanics, Advanced Numerical Analysis.
Post Graduate Supervision+
So far I had been involved in post graduate supervision of 11 students.
Academic Memberships+
Visiting Associate at Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) Pune, since 2020.
Reviewer at Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society since 2013
Link to my papers => https://inspirehep.net
General Relativity and Cosmology (2014 - )
1. S. Nalui and Subhra Bhattacharya (2025) Herrera complexity and shadows of spherically symmetric compact objects Phys. Lett. B. 861: 139261
2. S. Nalui and Subhra Bhattacharya (2024) Dynamics of dissipative gravitational collapse in the Morris–Thorne wormhole metric: One scenario - several outcomes Annl. Phys. 470: 169789
3. Subhra Bhattacharya (2024) Some classes of interacting two-fluid model for the expanding universe, Phys. Scr. 99: 075203
4. Subhra Bhattacharya and Subhasis Nalui (2023) Complexity factor parametrization for traversable wormholes, J. Math. Phys. 64: 052501
5. Subhra Bhattacharya (2023) Mimicking the LCDM universe through inhomogeneous space–time, Annl. Phys. 450: 169238
6. Subhra Bhattacharya (2022) Revisiting Barrow’s graduated inflationary universe: Awarm perspective, Phys. Lett. B 831: 137215
7. Subhra Bhattacharya and T. Bandyopadhyay (2021) Revisiting the evolving Lorentzian wormhole: a general perspective, Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 53: 104.
8. Subhra Bhattacharya; S. Halder; S. Chakraborty, (2019) Formation of wormholes in modified gravity: Exotic matter and stability, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 33(1): 1950200.
9. S. Halder; Subhra Bhattacharya; S. Chakraborty, (2019) Wormhole solutions in Rastall gravity theory, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 34(12): 1950095.
10. S. Halder; Subhra Bhattacharya; S. Chakraborty, (2019) Spherically symmetric wormhole solutions in ageneral anisotropic matter field, Phys. Lett. B, 791: 270–275.
11. S. Chakraborty; Subhra Bhattacharya, (2018) Cosmic evolution with a general Gaussian type scale factor*, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 27: 1847019-035025.
(*This essay received an Honorable Mention in the 2018 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundation).
12. Subhra Bhattacharya; S. Halder; S. Chakraborty, (2018) Evolving Cosmic Scenario in Modified Chaplygin Gas with Adiabatic Matter Creation, Annl. Phys., 388: 443-455.
13. Subhra Bhattacharya; S Chakraborty, (2017) f(R) gravity solutions for evolving wormholes, Eur. Phys. J. C, 77: 558-566.
14. G. S. Sharov; Subhra Bhattacharya, S. Pan, R. C. Nunes and S. Chakraborty, (2017) A new interacting two-fluid model and its consequences, Mon. Nocs. Roy. Astron. Soc., 466: 3497–3506 .
15. Subhra Bhattacharya; S Chakraborty, (2016) A model of the emergent Universe in
inhomogeneous spacetime, Class. Quantum Grav., 33: 035013-035019.
16. Supriya Pan; Subhra Bhattacharya; Subenoy Chakraborty, (2015) An analytic model for interacting dark energy and its observational constraints, Mon. Nocs. Roy. Astron. Soc., 452: 3038-3046.
Mathematical Bilogy (2009 - 2013)
17. Subhra Bhattacharya and F. Adler, (2012) A time since recovery model with varying rates of loss of immunity, Bull. Math. Biol. 74:2810--2819.
Integral Equations (2006 - 2010)
18. Subhra Bhattacharya and B. N. Mandal, (2010) Numerical solution of an integral equation arising in the problem of a cruciform crack, Int. J. Appl. Math. and Mech. 6:70-77.
19. Subhra Bhattacharya and B. N. Mandal, (2010) Numerical solution of some classes of logarithmically singular integral equations, J. Adv. Res. Appl. Math. 2:30-38.
20. Subhra Bhattacharya and B. N. Mandal, (2008) Numerical solution of a singular integro-differential equation, Appl. Math. Comput. 195:346-350.
21. Subhra Bhattacharya and B. N. Mandal, (2008) Use of Bernstein polynomials in numerical solution of Volterra integral equations, Appl. Math. Sci. 2:1773-1787.
22. Subhra Bhattacharya and B. N. Mandal, (2008) Numerical solution of two special Fredholm integral equations of mathematical physics, Int. J. Appl. Math. Engng. Sci. 2:117-121.
23. Subhra Bhattacharya and B. N. Mandal, (2007) Numerical solution of some classes of integral equations using Bernstein polynomials, Appl. Math. Comput. 190:1707-1716.
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