Prithviraj Guha
Assistant Professor

I am interested in researching issues relating to economic undervelopment and their implications for the political economy and also exploring the reverse causality of how political economy conditions may explain economic outcomes (or lack thereof).
B.Sc. Economics (Hons) (University of Calcutta, 1997)
M.A. Economics (Jawaharlal Nehru University, 1999)
M.A. Economics (New York University, 2004)
Ph.D. Economics (New York University, 2009)
Research / Administrative Experience+
My research domain focuses primarily on the fields of development economics and political economy, both looked at from a microeconomic perspective. My dissertation research explored the related issues of political cycles, public service delivery, electoral incentives, economic efficiency, poverty and crime. The three essays in my dissertation covered these themes in the Indian context. In addition, I am interested in the economic questions that arise from factors like health, gender, environment, labor and education, which are are major determinants of welfare in developing regions.
I am an applied microeconomist by training and that's the approach I take when I try to answer a research question, be it theoretically or empirically. I am generally interested in the economics and political economy of India and my current research projects reflect that bias. But, I am also interested in broader studies consisting of a larger cross-section of countries.
Teaching / Other Experience+
I teach microeconomics and development ecnomics at Presidency University - at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Post Graduate Supervision+
I am interested in supervising research focusing on questions of economic development and political economy in both Indian and internation context. I encourage students to frame a strong theoretical basis for further empirical explora of the question. I am also very open to research collaboration with students.
Academic Memberships+
Presidency University,
86/1 College Street,
Kolkata - 700073,
West Bengal, India
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