Value Added Courses
Date: 04/08/2023
It is hereby informed that the following modifications have been made in the advertisement for Value Added Course Title: GIS FOR GEOLOGISTS (GG) dated 14/07/2023.
(i) The Last date for filling up the application form has been extended to 27 th August, 2023.
(ii) The Date and Time of the course may be subjected to change. Detailed schedule will be shared with the selected participants at the time of commencement of the course.
Note: All other information as mentioned in the advertisement for Value Added Course Title: GIS FOR GEOLOGISTS (GG) dated 14/07/2023 in this regard remain unchanged.
Souvik Mitra
Course Coordinator
Advertisement Date: 14/07/2023
Course type: Value added (Certificate) course
Commencement Date and Time: 2 nd September 2023, 5.30 pm
Duration: 30 hours
Course Fee: 12,300/- (including GST)
Mode of Course: Theoretical classes (offline/online mode); Practicals (offline)
Eligibility: Enrolled or completed B.Sc. in any discipline of Earth Sciences.
Course Coordinator: Name: Dr. Souvik Mitra, Email id: souvik.geol@presiuniv.ac.in
Course Objective: (Not more than 100 words)
The course outlines different methodologies for 2D/3D morphometric calculations and spectral analysis from georeferenced Remote sensing images with the state-of-the-art softwares presently used in academia / industry. 3-D mapping, with the aid of drone and related image processing will be dealt with in this course. The course material helps the participant to develop an expertise in the application of GIS in different fields of Earth sciences like lithological mapping, Structural geology and tectonics, Landslides and Natural hazards, Watershed managements, ore geology, fluvial and bathymetric studies. The course intends to develop cutting edge skill set in GIS amongst the participants to be applied to social welfare, industry and academics.
Hands on training is an integral part of the program to develop the aforesaid skill set, for which it is desirable that the participants carry their personal laptops.
Modules: (Only 4 bullet points)
· Georeferencing, Convert 2D road alignment to 3D (X, Y, Z) at desired intervals, Hill-surface area or contour bound areas. Dip and Strike calculation using DEM. Lineament analysis, Lineament density and Rose Diagram.
· Valley width to height Ratio, Basin asymmetry, Cut and Fill Analysis, Watershed Analysis, Flood Zone, dam construction site selection, USLE calculation. Stream orders, Compound Topographic index
· Image Ratio of Multispectral bands for identifying geological features. Bathymetric sounding data for channel water volume calculation
· Drone Flying and drone image processing
Invited Recourse persons:
General Note
- Kindly fill the form with correct information within 06-08-2023 midnight, IST.
- Once the form is submitted you are not subjected to any further change.
- The selection is done on a first come and first serve basis, availability of resources and submission of valid applications.
- Selected participants will be informed about the payment method subsequently via respective email id along with their Application Number. On successful submission of Course fees, participants will be notified about their Enrollment Number and commencement details of the course.
- Your fees will not be refunded once enrolled.
The application link is below:
https://forms.gle/dVgnn7kA3qNEKRtK6 Sd/-
Dr. Souvik Mitra
Course coordinator
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