Skit competition on food safety organized by CII: last date for applying 23rd November, 2015
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in partnership with Consumer Body VOICE, National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI) will be organizing a Walkathon, on 13 December 2015 from CII Suresh Neotia Centre of Excellence for Leadership, DC 36, Sector 1, Salt Lake, Behind City Centre, Kolkata-64, as a part of Surakshit Khadya Abhiyan. There would be parallel activities like sit and draw competition, farmers training, street food vendors training, debate, quiz etc. Students may be nominated for the skit competition on Food Safety to be held on 27 November, 2015 at CII office at 6 NS Road, Kolkata-1 at 1400 Hrs. The fifteen minutes skit, in Bengali / English, should be based on “Importance of safe raw materials (fruits & vegetable) for safe food”.
Students who are interested to participate in the skit competition might submit their names with contact number and other details to dean.students@presiuniv.ac.in positively by 23rd November, 2015.
Uploaded on 21.11.2015
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