Presidency University 86/1 College Street, Kolkata - 700073, India
Walk-in-interview for the appointment of one Project Fellow in a West Bengal Biodiversity Board (Govt. Of West Bengal) sponsored Research Project
Date:12 March. 2015
A Walk-in-interview will be held on 30th March, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. at the Department of Biological Sciences (Biotechnology Section) at Presidency University (Erstwhile Presidency College), 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073, for the appointment of one Project Fellow (research scholar) in a West Bengal Biodiversity Board (Govt. of West Bengal) sponsored Research Project entitled “Culture dependent and independent analyses of prokaryotic communities from the burrows, casts, and guts of earthworms from in and around Kolkata” sanctioned to Dr. Bhaskar Gupta (Principal Investigator) and Souryadeep Mukherjee (Co-Investigator), Department of Biological Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata.
Date of Interview : 30.03.2015
Place of Interview : Department of Biological Sciences (Biotechnology Section), Presidency University (Erstwhile Presidency College), 86/1, College Street, Kolkata-700073, India.
Post : One Project Fellow
Salary : As per West Bengal Biodiversity Board, Govt. of West Bengal Rules and Regulation.
Essential Qualification : Any branch of Biological Sciences with minimum 55% marks in all examinations (50% for SC/ST/PH candidates) from recognized University and NET/SET/GATE qualification.
Desirable Qualification : Research Experience in the relevant field.
Interested candidates may appear with CV and attested photocopies of testimonials in the Walk-in interview on 30th March, 2015.
Applicants should report 30 minutes before the schedule time of interview.
The original certificates and mark-sheets along with a hard copy of application letter (in plain paper) are to be presented before the Selection Committee on the day of the interview.
No TA/ DA will be provided
Dr. Bhaskar Gupta
(Principal Investigator)
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