Tapan Saha
Assistant Professor

I joined Presidency University as Assistant Professor of Mathematics in January' 2013. My research interests are in qualitative analysis of differential equations with its applications in many physical and biological systems.
Ph. D. Applied Mathematics (University of Calcutta, 2010)
M.Sc. Applied Mathematics (University of Calcutta, 2002)
B.Sc. with Mathematics Major (Berhampore K.N. College, 2000)
After completing my Masters I joined the Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Calcutta as CSIR-UGC junior research fellow to persue my doctoral work under the supervision of Prof. C.G. Chakrabarti (S.N. Bose Professor of Theoretical Physics, now retired). During my doctoral research I got my first appointment as lecturer at Scottish Church College, Kolkata. In 2007, I was appointed as lecturer at Haldia Government College under WBES. I was awarded the Ph. D. degree in 2010 and finally, I joined Presidency University in January, 2013.
Research / Administrative Experience+
Research Interests:
Predator Prey Models, Stability & Bifurcation Theory of Vector Fields,
Center and Cyclicity Problems of Planar Polynomial Vector Fields, Multiple Time Scale Analysis, Normal form theory and study of delay differential equations.
Teaching / Other Experience+
I teach the following subjects at the UG and PG level in Mathematics:
Differential Equations, Probability Theory, Measure and Probability, Classical Mechanics & Dynamical Systems.
Post Graduate Supervision+
Academic Memberships+
Associated as a Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews, Published By American Mathematical Society.
Selected Publications:
1. Saha, T. and Pal, P.J. (2024): "Unveiling the dynamics of canard cycles and global behaviour in a singularly perturbed predator–prey system with Allee effect in predator" Computational and Applied Mathematics, 43(2):86.
2. Saha, T., Roy Chowdhury, P., Pal, P.J. and Banerjee, M. (2024): "Singular Bautin bifurcation analysis of a slow–fast predator–prey system", Nonlinear Dynamics, 112 (9), 7695-7713.
3. Pal, P.J., Mandal, G., Guin, L.N., and Saha, T. (2024): "Allee effect and hunting-induced bifurcation inquisition and pattern formation in a modified Leslie–Gower interacting species system" Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 182, 114784.
4. Halder, S., de Haro, J., Saha, T., and Pan, S. (2024): "Phase space analysis of sign-shifting interacting dark energy models" Physical Review D, 109 (8), 083522.
5. Saha, T., and Pal, P.J. (2023): "Relaxation oscillation and canard explosion in slow–fast predator–prey systems" Advances in Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Engineering Systems, CRC Press, ISBN 9781032392912.
6. Saha, T., Pal, P.J., and Banerjee, M. (2022): "Slow–fast analysis of a modified Leslie–Gower model with Holling type I functional response", Nonlinear Dynamics, 108 (4), 4531-4555.
7. Saha, T., Pal, P.J., and Banerjee, M. (2021): "Relaxation oscillation and canard explosion in a slow–fast predator–prey model with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response" Nonlinear Dynamics, 103, 1195-1217.
8. Pal, P.J., and Saha, T. (2015): "Qualitative analysis of a predator prey system with
double Allee effect in Prey" , Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, (73) 36-63.
9. Pal, P.J., Haque, M., Saha, T. & Ryu, K.(2013): "A Predatory Commensalism Model in a Deterministic and Stochastic Environment" , Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, 20(1) 1-32.
10. Pal, P.J., Saha, T., Sen, M. & Banerjee, M. (2012): "A Delayed Predator-Prey Model with Strong Allee Effect in Prey Population Growth" , Nonlinear Dynamics, 68, 23-42.
11. Saha, T. and Chakrabarti, C.G.(2011): "Stochastic Analysis of Prey Predator Model with Stage Structure for Prey." , J. Applied Mathematics & Computing, 35(1-2), 195-209.
12. Saha, T. and Chakrabarti, C.G.(2009): "Dynamical Analysis of a Delayed Ratio-Dependent Holling-Tanner Predator-Prey Model" , J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 358, 389-402.
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