Interview for Research Assistants under Public Health Engineering Department
Last Date: 30th May 2014
Interview for the post of 2 (Two) Research Assistants under Public Health Engineering Department (PHED),Govt. of West Bengal funded Research Project on "Design & Validation of Fluoride Removal Water Filter using Nano Structured Non-toxic Synthetic Materials: A Lab-to-Field Nanotechnology Transfer Programme".
Candidates with good M.Sc. (minimum 55% marks) in Chemistry (Inorganic / Physical /Analytical / Applied / Environmental Chemistry) or Environmental Systems Management/Environmental Science from recognized universities must apply with relevant testimonials to the Principal Investigator Dr. Uday Chand Ghosh(Department of Chemistry) or Co-Principal Investigator Dr. S. Chakrabarti (Department of Geology and Environmental Systems Management ) within 30th May,2014(Friday).
Candidates may also post their C.V. with relevant documents at sharad_presi@rediffmail.com or ucghosh@gmail.com . The interview date will be intimated separately through email.
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