Newton Bhabha - Researcher Link Workshop Grant 2017-18
British Council in collaboration with Royal Society of Chemistry announces Newton Bhabha Fund Researcher Links Workshop Grant to bring together early-career researchers from India and the UK to build international connections which can support them in improving the quality of their research.
Priority areas : Within the chemical sciences proposals, the following challenge areas are particularly welcome:
· Human Health – e.g. Antimicrobial resistance, neglected diseases, medical chemistry, bio-materials, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, neglected tropical diseases, child mortality, maternal health
· Energy – e.g. sustainable fuels, chemicals and energy storage.
· Climate, Environment and Sustainability – e.g. climate change, green technology, sustainable development, ecosystem services, resource scarcity, new materials, nanomaterials, water quality, climate, agriculture, air.
· Sustainable energy for all
· Water and sanitation
· Food and nutrition (including food security)
Research with relevance to the above areas at the Chemistry-Biology interface, the Chemistry-Materials interface and the Chemistry-Environmental Science interface
13 June 2017 , 16.00 (UK time)
The application detail, eligibility criteria and online application form is available at https://www.britishcouncil.in/workshop-grants-newton-fundresearcher-links-july-2015 .
Contact Person for More details:-
Arijita Sanyal |
Manager Projects, Programmes
British Council Division| British High Commission | L&T Chambers First Floor | 16
Camac Street | Kolkata | 700017 | India
+91 (0)33 4007 4333 | F +91 (0)33 2282 4804
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