Fifth Edition of the annual 'Jefferson Debates'
The U.S. Consulate General, Kolkata and iLEAD (Institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Development) present 'Jefferson Debates'-a platform to
contemplate and voice opinions, on some of the most critical issues of today.
The motion of the debate is "Prsidential Systems Tend to Focus Electoral Campaigns on Personalities rather than Political Platforms"
The date, time and venue is Wednesday, 10 August, 2016 from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm at the iLEAD Campus, 113/C/1 Matheshwartala Road, near Vishwakarma Building,
Topsia, Kolkata
A 3 member team from an institution is required to register.
Registration @ iLEAD:
Dr. Sudipto Bhattacharyya
email: sudipto@ilead.net.in/ sudipto@gmail.com
Mobile: 9830013455
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Uploaded on 29/07/2016
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Kolkata 700073
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Premises No. 14-0358, Action Area-ID
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