Opportunities at PwC Actuarial Services India
The PwC Actuarial Services India Graduate Recruitment Team has re-opened applications for permanent full-time graduate-level positions in their Actuarial Services practice based in Mumbai (successful candidates will join the practice in August 2016). The deadlines for submitting the online application and completing the online tests are, respectively, 8 April 2016 and 11 April 2016. The Assessment Days and interviews will take place between 11 May and 27 May 2016. Further information on the vacancy and deadlines can be found in the vacancy description attached herewith.
The interested candidates can see a description of the role and apply through the following URL: www.pwc.com/uk/work-in-mumbai
Entry criteria:
* The team is looking to recruit candidates with Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Commerce and Engineering degree backgrounds who are keen to pursue an actuarial career. Please note that they are not just looking for candidates who are currently studying actuarial mathematics.
* In order to progress beyond the on-line application stage, candidates are required to have obtained:
1) 90% marks in Mathematics in both classes Xth and XIIth (CBSE or equivalent),
2) 80% marks in English in class XIIth (CBSE or equivalent), and
3) At least 55% aggregate in their undergraduate degree (for students who are currently in their final year of graduation, they should be on course to satisfy this criteria)
Uploaded on 21st March, 2016
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